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What is the Graphene Flagship?

Bringing together 118 academic and industrial partners in 12 research and innovation projects and 1 coordination and support project, the Graphene Flagship initiative will continue to advance Europe’s strategic autonomy in technologies that rely on graphene and other 2D materials. The initiative, which builds on the previous 10-years of the Graphene Flagship, is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. The 2D-Experimental Pilot Line, addressing the challenges of upscaling 2D material production processes for the semiconductor industry, is another key component of the Graphene Flagship eco-system.


Learn about the Graphene Flagship's greatest milestones.

EU Funded

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Panel discussion at Graphene Week
Our project / Collaboration

Graphene Week: Something for everyone

The 19th edition of Graphene Week, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic 14-18 October 2024 will offer a rich programme as the Graphene Flagship celebrates its new projects and 20 years of 2D materials research and innovation since the isolation of graphene.

By Graphene Flagship / 11 July 2024
photodetector photonics light illustration
Photonics / Annual Report 2023

Graphene and 2D materials in photonics: A revolutionary leap in technology

In the vast landscape of modern science and technology, graphene and two-dimensional materials (2DM) have emerged as game-changers, revolutionising industries with their remarkable properties and diverse applications. Among the myriad fields benefiting from their extraordinary characteristics, photonics stands out as one of the most promising domains. Photonics, the science and technology of generating, detecting and controlling photons, has found new avenues for innovation and advancement through the integration of graphene and 2D materials. In this article, we delve into the captivating realm of photonics and explore how graphene and 2D materials are reshaping its landscape, opening up unprecedented possibilities and paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries. 

By Graphene Flagship / 02 July 2024
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Registration OPEN!

Step into the future of graphene and 2D Material innovation with Graphene Week 2024! We are glad to announce that registration for the European leading 2D Materials event is now open, offering opportunities to engage with experts, scientific sessions and an outstanding program.

GW24 Registration
cover image Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

The Graphene Flagship has continued its voyage in Horizon Europe. The latest Annual Report introduces our 13 new projects, provides updates on the 2D-Experimental Pilot Line's latest work and delves into the current state of 2D materials research and innovation in Europe.

Read our interactive report here or download the report here to learn about all about the next phase of the Graphene Flagship's journey.


Electronic circuit
9 September 2024

ESSERC 2024 “2D Materials: Challenges and Opportunities" Workshop

2D materials have triggered enormous interest over the past 15 years, thanks to their interesting electronic and optical properties, which have propelled them as viable candidates for replacing/complementing the good-old Silicon in future semiconductor technology nodes. Nevertheless, several tough challenges need to be addressed to take the opportunities ahead. In this workshop, we will give an account of a few relevant R&D areas, outlining key attention points in material growth, integration, and reliability, and we will sample applications domain opportunities, underlining the unique advantages of the 2D materials, which recommend them as prime contenders for continuing the physical/functional scaling, as well as for expanding into the applications space, for the years/decades to come.

IOP Publishing Workshop

While the 2D materials community celebrates 20 years since the isolation of graphene, IOP Publishing’s 2D Materials journal celebrates its 10-year anniversary. The journal will mark this occasion with a special contribution to the Graphene Week 2024 conference to be held in Prague, Czech Republic. Join the “Publication and peer review” workshop providing instruction for PhD students and early career researchers on how to make it as an author and a reviewer in journals. IOPP will also organise a focus issue in 2D Materials based on Graphene Week 2024 with contributions from speakers. Authors are welcome to contribute an original research paper, topical review or perspective. The focus issue will be showcased on a dedicated webpage and promoted extensively to the community.

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