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Composites Europe 2016

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Düsseldorf, Germany
29 Nov - 1 Dec 2016
  • Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 29 Nov - 1 Dec 2016

Composites Europe 2016

Under the umbrella of the Graphene Flagship, a number of partners are exhibiting products and prototypes at the Composites Europe 2016 trade fair in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Due to its unique combination of properties, graphene is being used to improve the functionality of composites. Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon-based material in the form of robust, flexible sheets that are a single atom thick. It is lightweight but at the same time strong and an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Graphene sheets with a lateral size of several microns can be produced on a large scale from the exfoliation of graphite.

Graphene-thermoplastic Composites - The University of Manchester

Graphene can be mixed into thermoplastics. In case of this drone, graphene-polypropylene propeller blades have been prepared. The blades were produced by melt mixing graphene nanoplatelets with poly to form a master batch which was subsequently compression moulded into the desired shape. Moreover, a series of graphene-ABS filaments which can be used for 3D printing has been prepared. Scientific research shows that the presence of graphene improved the stiffness and thermal properties.


Prospero - The University of Manchester

The aircraft is the world’s first to incorporate a graphene-enhanced skinned wing and was successfully flown at the International Farnborough air show, earlier in the year. Prospero is an example of how graphene might be used as a potentially disruptive technology in the aerospace sector. The research is a joint collaboration between The University of Manchester, The University of Central Lancashire and several SMEs, including Haydale Composite Solutions.


Graphene Motorcycle Helmet - IIT and MOMO Design

In an exciting collaborative project, researchers from Graphene Flagship partner Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) and Italian luxury design company Momodesign have produced a motorcycle helmet that includes graphene technology. A graphene coating that allows better distribution of heat makes the helmet less susceptible to damage compared to traditional helmets, particularly in high temperature conditions. The result is a helmet that improves thermal comfort and safety.


Flexible Graphene-based NFC Antenna - CNR-ISOF

CNR-ISOF have developed a flexible NFC antenna with different graphene derivatives. Research was carried out on several designs, materials and configurations. The graphene antennas can be laminated on different substrates like PET, PVC, Kapton, furthermore a silk/graphene-based wearable antenna was realised. The completely flexible graphene NFC device demonstrators were tested with a smartphone showing good functionality whether flat or fixed on curved objects.


Graphene-based Composite Materials - CNR-ISOF

Graphene has shown exceptional properties from various points of view: extremely high mobility of electric charge, high mechanical strength, excellent thermal conductivity, high surface area and it is impervious to all common gases. CNR-ISOF offers a wide range of graphene-based products to industrial partners, as well as the expertise and skills to develop jointly innovative
materials based on individual needs.


Fire-resistent and self-sensing graphene composites - Avanzare

Graphene based composites allow to obtain the maximum classification in fire resistance in aeronautics, automotive and building industry applications. Graphene-fibre-reinforced composites enable self-sensing in aeronautics and automotive industries.

Photo Gallery

A drone made from graphene-thermoplastic composites
The Graphene Flagship booth at Composites Europe 2016
A flexible NFC antenna with different graphene derivatives.
Fire-resistent and self-sensing graphene composites from Avanzare