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Tallinn Digital Summit 2017

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Tallinn, Estonia
29 September 2017
  • Tallinn, Estonia
  • 29 September 2017

Tallinn Digital Summit 2017

​At the Tallinn Digital Summit, a forum for Heads of State and Government from across Europe to discuss digital innovation and Europe’s digital future, the Graphene Flagship showcased the potential of graphene and related materials with an array of interactive demonstrators and prototypes.

In the Graphene Flagship exhibition area there was an “electronic nose” capable of distinguishing different gases (left), a graphene-based chromatic eye that uses different graphene photodetectors in an array for broadband optical sensing, and a flexible, graphene based terahertz detector which enables wireless ultrahigh-speed communication. There was also a large area solar cell with high efficiency, retinal implants which can serve as optical prostheses for people who have lost their sight, and a graphene sensor able to detect the electrical activity of the brain. As an example of near market products there was also a motorcycle helmet exploiting graphene in its frame, and a drone with graphene propellers. Graphene Flagship partner Airbus also displayed a model aircraft which illustrates how their current graphene materials research aims to improve their future aircrafts.
All of these different demonstrators, prototypes or products were presented to heads of state and governments as they toured the Tallinn Digital Summit and it was a great opportunity for the Graphene Flagship and its members to present the potential of graphene and related materials and the work that is going on within the Graphene Flagship. Visitors to the Graphene Flagship exhibition area included Maris Kucinskis (Prime Minister of Latvia), Beata Szydlo (Prime Minister of Poland), Juha Sipila (Prime Minister of Finland) (right), Miro Cerar (Prime Minister of Slovenia), Paolo Gentiloni (Prime Minister of Italy) and Alexis Tsipras (Prime Minister of Greece). There were also numerous visits by local school children and it was a fantastic opportunity for the Graphene Flagship to inspire the scientists of tomorrow.
Professor Jari Kinaret, the Director of the Graphene Flagship, stated “The Tallinn Digital Summit allowed us to exhibit some of the many results the Graphene Flagship has achieved during its first four years. This was a great honour and a unique opportunity for us to show the highest decision makers what Europe can achieve by working together towards a common goal, and demonstrates that the Flagship is well on its way to realise its ambitious goals”.
Professor Andrea C. Ferrari, Science and Technology Officer of the Graphene Flagship, stated "As the Graphene Flagship steadily progresses in its science, technology and innovation roadmap, an ever increasing number of demonstrators and products are being developed. Tens of start-up and established companies and hundreds of patents are moving graphene and related materials from the lab towards the factory floor. These have a lot to offer to contribute to the digital innovation of Europe, as was showcased by a selection of demonstrators during this key event for the European Union". 

The Graphene Flagship Director meets the Finnish Prime Minister
Information about a graphene solar panel at the Tallinn Digital Summit 2017
A graphene composites demonstration using the composites in a drone
Graphene Flagship Director Jari Kinaret explains graphene to children visiting the Graphene Flagship booth at Tallinn Digital Summit 2017
Graphene Flagship Director Jari Kinaret with Greek politician Alexis Tsipras