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Innovation Workshops

EU Funded

The Graphene Flagship's Innovation Workshops, formerly known as Graphene Connect events, are a series of industry workshops aiming to create new innovation projects between academia and industry. The ultimate outcome of the workshops is to plan for actions realising collaborative innovation projects within and outside of the Graphene Flagship consortium.

“Our Innovation Workshops aim to foster collaborative innovation projects within and outside of the Graphene Flagship consortium. The interplay between research and industry is needed in order to find the right hot spots for innovations and direct research efforts towards the most commercially promising applications.”

Kari Hjelt, Head of Innovation, Graphene Flagship
The Graphene Flagship's Innovation Workshops include group discussions and matchmaking between researchers and industry.

What's included?

  • Interesting presentations on state-of-the art research
  • Industry perspectives by industry representatives
  • Group discussions with opportunities for representatives across industry sectors to interact with each other as well as with researchers
  • Matchmaking with the goal of initiating future collaborative innovation projects

Previous editions

Innovation Workshop Electronics

Innovation Workshop Electronics is an industry workshop for participants who want to discuss opportunities with graphene in the area of electronics and meet future partners to create new exciting innovation projects. This event took place on 12 November 2020 and was co-organised by the Graphene Flagship, RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) and SIO Grafen.

Graphene Connect & Health Investment Forum

The Graphene Flagship, the Medical Association of Barcelona (COMB) and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) co-organized a Graphene Connect event on MedTech and Diagnostic Technologies associated with the first Graphene for Health Investment Forum. The event took place on 6 November 2019 and was hosted at the premises of the Barcelona Medical Association in Barcelona, Spain.

Graphene Connect 5G/Datacom

Graphene Connect 5G/Datacom took place on the second day of the Graphene Innovation Forum at the Graphene Flagship's annual conference Graphene Week on 23-27 September 2019 in Helsinki, Finland. This event was an industry workshop for participants wanting to discuss opportunities with graphene in the area of 5G and Datacom technologies and meet future partners to create new innovation projects.