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E-MRS Spring Meeting 2025 Symposium

Time left to event
Strasbourg, France
26-30 May 2025
  • Strasbourg, France
  • 26-30 May 2025

2D materials and beyond: tomorrow’s printable low-dimensional nanostructures and hybrids

The ability to solution-process and print nanomaterials has enabled huge advances in their characterisation and application in energy generation and storage, optoelectronics and composites. While the recent focus has been on 2D materials, there remains considerable interest in the solution-processing of 1D nanotubes and nanowires as well as 0D nanoparticles.

The scope of the symposium incorporates a broad and diverse materials set. Although the focus is solution-processed 2D materials, it also includes 1D and 0D compounds. A large number of distinct 2D materials can be made, single-walled carbon nanotubes can be solution-separated into various types by chirality and electronic structure, while a broad range of dispersible inorganic nanowires and nanoparticles can be made and utilized with unmatched efficiency. 

Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:

  • Synthesis of novel layered materials with tuneable physical properties
  • Production of novel 2D materials through exfoliation in liquid media
  • Solution processing of 1D and 0D materials
  • Ink formulation and thin-film processing via printing
  • Printed and solution-deposited films, networks and heterostructures comprising 2D, 1D & 0D materials
  • Solution-processed composites and hybrids incorporating 2D, 1D & 0D materials
  • Characterization of inks, printed films, hybrids and composites
  • Theory and modelling, including machine learning and AI methods
  • Applications in energy, sensing, digital devices, opto-electronics and composites

Poster prizes will be awarded. Graduate Students will also have the opportunity to apply the 'Graduate student awards 2020'. 

Submit your abstract by 22 January!

Symposium organizers

Jonathan Coleman

Jonathan Coleman

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Paolo Samorì

Paolo Samorì

University of Strasbourg, France

Claudia Backes

Claudia Backes

University of Kassel, Germany

Thomas D. Anthopoulos

Thomas D. Anthopoulos

University of Manchester, U.K.