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Lund, Sweden
11-13 June 2023
  • Lund, Sweden
  • 11-13 June 2023

EuroNanoForum 2023

Every second year, Euronanoforum brings industry, academia, policy makers and other stakeholders together to discuss developments on nanotechnologies in an open forum. In 2023, the EuroNanoForum will be held in Sweden, 11-13 June. The Graphene Flagship will exhibit and contribute to the event's scientific programme.

Graphene Flagship speakers

Jari Kinaret
Chalmers University of Technology

Jari Kinaret

Graphene Flagship Director

Mamoun Taher
Graphmatech, Sweden

Mamoun Taher

Inge Asselberghs
IMEC, Belgium

Inge Asselberghs

Stijn Goossens
Qurv, Spain

Stijn Goossens

Antonio Agresti
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Antonio Agresti