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Graphene Connect Composites

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Manchester, UK
March 27-28, 2019
  • Manchester, UK
  • March 27-28, 2019

Graphene Connect Composites

The Graphene Flagship's Graphene Connect Composites workshop was an industry workshop for participants to discuss opportunities with graphene in the area of composites and meet future partners to create new innovation projects. This event took place at the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre in Manchester, UK, on 27-28 March 2019 lunch to lunch, including a visit of the GEIC at the end of the afternoon on 27 March.

Graphene Connect Composites was an industry workshop for participants to discuss opportunities with graphene in the area of composites and meet future partners to create new innovation projects.

This event took place at the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre in Manchester, UK, on 27-28 March 2019 lunch to lunch, including a visit of the GEIC at the end of the afternoon on 27 March.

Graphene Connect events, now Innovation Workshops, aims to foster collaborative innovation projects within and outside of the Graphene Flagship consortium. The interplay between research and industry is needed in order to find the right hot spots for innovations and direct research efforts towards the most commercially promising applications.