- Gothenburg, Sweden
- 5-6 September 2023
Graphene Innovation Forum
Graphene Week 2023 inspired a fusion of graphene research and technology with industrial innovation – it is where science meets business! The Graphene Innovation Forum is a good spot to learn about the latest graphene innovations, spin-off company successes, and the future of the graphene industry.
The Graphene Innovation Forum is focused on innovation and the commercialization of applications containing 2D-materials. It was an opportunity to hear about the successful implementation of graphene from both start-ups and larger corporations.
The Graphene Flagship Spearhead projects presented their experiences when it comes to challenges and opportunities when introducing 2D-materials, and an interactive panel probed into future trends of graphene applications and the Graphene Flagship’s work in standardization to facilitate commercialization of 2D-materials.
Graphene Flagship Spearhead Projects – Show us your products!
This session consists of presentations from the industry driven Graphene Flagship spearhead projects. Topics of interest are: Successes and failures on the way to marketable products? Challenges to commercialisation? Material bottlenecks? The audience is encouraged to ask questions and take part in the discussions.
11:30 - Intro, Kari Hjelt, Head of Innovation (Chair)
11:40 - Circuitbrakers, Anna Andersson, ABB
11:55 - Spearhead 8: Autovision, Stijn Goossens, Qurv
12:10 - SafeGraph, James Baker, TEMASOL
12:25 - GRAPHIL Update & Perspectives, Letizia Bocchi, Medica
12:40 - Graphene-based Thermoelectric ICE Protection System, towards a more versatile and easier to integrate heater mat technology (GICE), Fabien Dezitter, Airbus
12:55 - GrEENBat, Francesco Bonaccorso, BeDimensional
13:10 - Metal replacement for automotive: an example of translational technology within the Graphene Flagship (G+Boards), Vincenzo Palermo, CNR
13:25 - Multi-band imaging with CMOS-integrated graphene photodetectors (GBIRCAM), Alan Colli, Emberion
Start-up challenges – Learnings for successful commercialisation
This session consists of start-up presentations from the Graphene Flagship partners. How do 2D-materials give an edge to the business? How to navigate the way to market? What does investors want? The audience is welcome to participate with questions and comments.
15:30 - Creating a graphene ecosystem between academia, industry and supply-chain – the opportunity for start-ups and SME, James Baker, GEIC
15:45 - Thin, Flexible, and Printable Supercapacitors and Batteries for Active Printed Electronic Devices (FlexPower), Ali Shaygan Nia, Technische Universität Dresden
16:00 - Graphene manufacturing from waste tires towards thermoplastic sector, Burcu Saner Okan, NanoGrafen
16:15 - The untapped potential of 2D materials in all-optical non-linear photonics, Michael Kissner, Akhetonics
Coffee Break
Industry perspectives – Future of 2D-materials
An opportunity to hear about challenges and opportunities of implementing 2D-materials by industry representatives. The newly formed 2D Materials Industrial Consortium will present their ideas for the future. The session will end with a panel discussion “Hurdles and solutions for thriving 2D-material businesses”. The audience will be encouraged to participate and interact with the panel in engaging and inspiring discussions.
17:00 - 2DM Industry Consortium, Kari Hjelt, Chalmers Industriteknik
17:15 - Graphene-enhanced industrial applications, Performance Gains and Sustainability, Valdirene Sullas Teixeira Peressinotto, Gerdau Graphene
17:30 - Progress and Challenges of Graphene Commercialization in China, Dan Xu, National Ningbo Graphene Innovation Center
17:45 - Panel Discussion - Hurdles and solutions for thriving 2D-material businesses
Innovations networking session
An opportunity to network and discuss future potential collaboration with presenters as well as fellow attendees over some drinks and nibbles.
Graphene Flagship UAE-EU Workshop on Graphene and related 2D materials
In this workshop the attendees get a chance to learn about the ongoing research activities in the United Arab Emirates. The Research & Innovation Center for Graphene and 2D Materials at Khalifa University is very focused on commercialization of research results and addresses challenges from their region with innovations in health care, aerospace, energy and water purification. Apart from presentations, this session will also provide opportunities to discuss topics of common interest and explore possible new collaborations.
Success Enablers
This session focuses on the EC and Graphene Flagship’s work into removing obstacles for successful commercialization of 2D-materials with presentations about standardization, roadmaps, ethics and future funding opportunities.
15:30 - Graphene Standardisation, Johan Ek Weiss, CIT
15:45 - Roadmap, Henning Döscher, Fraunhofer
16:00 - EU Funding, Isabel Obieta Vilallonga, European Innovation Council
16:15 - Ethics for better projects, Norberto Patrignani, Politecnico di Torino
Coffee Break
The Swedish 2D-materials ecosystem
Sweden aims to be one of the world’s ten leading countries in developing and using graphene and other 2D materials industrially. In this session, we find out more about some of their innovations. Is your next project partner a Swedish business?
17:00 - Nanoscale integration of graphene flakes into the fibres based materials – reasons, features and the market potential, Erik Khranovskyy, Grafren
17:15 - Scaling up Production and Application of Bio-based Graphene Oxide, Anna Carlsson, Bright Day
17:30 - Catch-22 in Industrial Upscaling: Overcoming Challenges, Christian Werdinius, Provexa
17:45 - Beyond the Hybe: Real-Life Challenges and Perspectives in Graphene Commercialization, Mamoun Taher, Graphmatech
18:00 - Wafer-level integration of 2D materials for back-end of line applications, Arne Quellmalz, In2Great Materials
Closing of Graphene Innovation Forum
Innovation Speakers

Kari Hjelt
Chalmers Industriteknik

Letizia Bocchi

Stijn Goosens
Qurv Technologies

James Baker

Fabien Dezitter

Francesco Bonaccorso

Vincenzo Palermo

Anna Andersson

Carolina Aguilar

Burcu Saner Okan

Johan Ek Weiss

Henning Döscher
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI

Isabel Obieta Vilallonga
European Innovation Council

Norberto Patrignani
Politecnico di Torino

Erik Khranovskyy

Mamoun Taher

Anna Carlsson
Bright Day

Michael Kissner

Ali Shaygan Nia
Technische Universität Dresden — TU Dresden

James Baker

Valdirene Sullas Teixeira Peressinotto
Gerdau Graphene

Christian Werdinius

Dan Xu
National Ningbo Graphene Innovation Center, China

Alan Colli
Emberion, Finland

Arne Quellmalz
In2Great Materials
Bio: Letizia Bocchi, is the laboratory manager of Medica SpA, an Italian biomedical company (www.medica-spa.com) specialized in the manufacturing of filters and membranes for water and blood purification. She studied Biotechnology at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where she worked as research fellow between 2004 and 2006 on genetics of dyslipidemias. She obtained her PhD in Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology at Ferrara University in 2010. She joined Medica in 2010 as a member of the R&D group about membrane and filters. She made courses in Intellectual Property, and she manages also the IP of Medica Group. She built up the laboratory of Medica, that grew over years in instrumentations and skilled personnel. Since 2015 Letizia started the collaboration with CNR and together with them the work on water purification from emerging contaminants. Since 2020 she also coordinates Graphil Project and since 2021 she’s the coordinator of LIFE REMEMBRANCE funded project.
Abstract: The 3 years of work of Graphil brought a concept from the ideation to the manufacturing real possibility. The hollow fiber manufacturers Medica and Polymem, that in the beginning could provide prototypes and small amount of fiber enriched with graphene, have set up a manufacturing process with equipments specifically designed to produce composite PSU-GO and PVDF-GO hollow fiber. In parallel with the scaling up of the manufacturing process the academic partners collected a huge amount of data and tests on the composites and prototypes provided. These results regarding mainly performance highlighted that the composite fiber acquires for sure an adsorption capability thanks to graphene especially towards ciprofloxacine, a mix of 8 emerging contaminants, PFAS, Pb. The formulation and standard material for Medica composite was the PSU-GO 3.5% that showed very good data at lab scale but then when starting at real flowrate and real size filters show a quick drop in performance after hundreds of liters of water treated, while the target is still thousands of liters. Thus, thanks to the upgrade and upscale of the manufacturing process a new formulation has been created with PSU-GO 10%. This is currently under testing, and it is expected that a sensible increase in adsorption capacity will be reached.
After Graphil end the work of Medica on the composite of Hollow fiber and GO is not ended at all; Graphil gave the opportunity to build up a versatile platform for the incorporation of GO in the production process that can open many opportunities of commercial exploitation.
Bio: Dr. Stijn Goossens is CTO of Qurv and a pioneer in wide-spectrum image sensor technologies based on colloidal quantum dots and/or 2D materials. He is inventor of multiple patents in Qurv’s portfolio. He obtained his PhD from Delft University of Technology and continued his career as a program manager at the Institute of Photonic Sciences before founding Qurv in 2020.
Abstract: Semi-autonomous driving has the potential to prevent up to 90% of car collisions every day. It can ease traffic congestion in mega-cities and reduce carbon emissions. However, low visibility conditions such as fog, rain, snow, bright sunlight and darkness hinder the uptake of autonomous driving. Infrared cameras can provide advanced driver assistance systems with the ability to operate under these adverse conditions.
Proof of concept cameras enhanced by 2D materials have shown high performance in the infrared spectrum, but their current manufacturing methods are unattractive for industrial adoption due to the high costs involved. The scientists and engineers in the AUTOVISION project are developing a scalable graphene integration process. The process is developed on similar tools used in existing semiconductor foundries. This waferscale process could lead to high volume production and enable an excellent cost/performance ratio for infrared image sensors.
This talk will provide an update on the latest progress in the project. We will report on the status of the 200mm waferscale back-end-of-line integration of graphene field effect transistors for enhanced infrared image sensor technology. Furthermore, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities arising from the AUTOVISION project.
Bio: James joined the University of Manchester after 25 years in Industry where most recently he was Vice-President of Technology Collaboration Programmes and Managing Director of the Advanced Technology Centres for BAE Systems in the UK.
As the CEO Graphene@Manchester, which includes the business responsibilities for the National Graphene Institute (NGI) and the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC), he is leading on the creation of the graphene industry ecosystem in Manchester and developing the industrial partnerships and collaborations to accelerate the commercialisation opportunities for graphene and 2D materials.
Title: Creating a graphene ecosystem between academia, industry and supply-chain – the opportunity for start-ups and SME
Abstract: Graphene@Manchester through its National Graphene Institute (NGI) and the Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC), has now lead to the creation of over 50 start-ups and over 200 SME’s working on graphene products and applications. What has been achieved and how do we leverage this model across materials innovation and across international partnerships and collaborations.
Bio: Fabien Dezitter has been Icing expert @ Airbus Helicopters since 2018. He is graduated from the ESEM French engineering school (Ecole Supérieure de l’Energie et des Matériaux) and is specialist in Icing, Ice Protection and Ice Detection. He worked at Airbus Commercial Aircraft from 2002 to 2016 as, in particular, Airbus Icing & Ice Protection System R&T Coordinator (2010-2016), Coordinator of the CSA WEZARD project (FP7, WEather haZARDs for aeronautics, 2011-2013) and Coordinator of the large integrated HAIC project (FP7, High Altitude Ice Crystals, 2012-2016). He joined Airbus Helicopters in 2016 and coordinate the SH10 GICE (Graphene-based, Thermoelectric Ice Protection System) within the EU Graphene Flagship.
Title: Graphene-based Thermoelectric ICE Protection System, towards a more versatile and easier to integrate heater mat technology
Abstract: Electro-thermal ice protection systems (IPS) play a major role in next generation aeronautical products:
- Bleed-air-based IPS have a number of drawbacks, among which the incompatibility with polymer/composite structural components due to too high temperature of the air
- Current heater mat may suffer limitations to adapt to power density requirements or for integration into complex 3D-shaped components
- For next-gen aircraft (A/C) components like wings, rudder, rotor blades, air inlets, antennae, windshield, new easy-to-integrate and versatile ice protection technologies are needed; versatile relates to the ability to adapt to the requirements in terms of geometry, generated power density, and available on-board voltage supply
- Environmental aspects (lower power consumption & emissions – CO2/NOx) are a key driver
Based on the work performed by various partners of the Graphene Flagship, the aim of the GICE spearhead is to advance graphene based heater mat technologies to higher maturity and to develop technology demonstrators. The selected demonstrators are components that must be protected during flight in icing conditions:
The presentation will report on the progress towards this objective.
Title: Metal replacement for automotive: an example of translational technology within the Graphene Flagship
Abstract: Since its inception in April 2020, the G+BOARD spearhead project of the Graphene Flagship has been working to replace the copper wiring and buttons currently used in car dashboards. G+BOARD objective is to reduce the number of production steps involved in manufacturing dashboards and decrease vehicle weight, while also improving aesthetics, quality and recyclability.
We have used the properties of graphene related materials (GRM) and the know-how developed in the Flagship to develop two applications: a steering wheel whose heating elements make use of GRM; and a dashboard drawer using GRM for sensing and wiring capabilities.
In the last years, we have optimized the inclusion of GRM in industrial polymers already used by Stellantis, and developed new ways to include electric functionalities in such composites, using laser patterning of the composites to modify and activate the GRM in them. The results have been very positive, and allowed to move from the lab scale to industrial tests.
Small series production has been done in the Stellantis Plant, realising glovebox drawer components that will be used for the final validation phases and for the final demo production. The new technologies will be integrated into a concept car for Stellantis vehicles. The car’s introduction to the market will be linked to the development timeline of a new vehicle.
As a result, final prototypes are in development in collaboration with Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers with the aim of releasing a product customisable for specific automotive models by the end of the project.
Title: Maintenance-free Circuit Breakers for Smart Power Transmission and Distribution Systems - Summary and outlook of Spearhead project CircuitBreakers
Abstract: Power distribution grids are evolving rapidly. This evolution puts higher demands on switching devices that protect the grid, e.g., circuit breakers and switches, including longer lifetimes, higher current ratings, fewer service intervals, etc. Organic grease is used to lubricate the mechanical drive systems of these components. However, grease ageing and subsequent loss of lubrication of the drive system, constitute obstacles to this evolution and are currently one of the main failure modes for these devices.
It has been the joint target of the partners within Spearhead project CircuitBreakers to demonstrate that graphene in the form of novel self-lubricating metal-graphene composites can replace lubricating grease in low-voltage air circuit-breakers and thereby improve performance and robustness, and ultimately altogether remove the need for maintenance (regreasing) of these devices.
A multilayer coating solution, consisting of metal- and metal-graphene sublayers has been developed and verified, first on lab level and then on technology-demonstrator level. The coating solution is based on a cost-efficient and industrial-scale electroplating process. The talk will provide a summary of the project, showing the accomplishments, especially regarding the upscaling of the electroplating process and the tribological and corrosion performance of these coatings. Furthermore, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities that the project CircuitBreakers has generated, with respect to the commercialization of maintenance-free circuit breakers.
Bio: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Saner Okan received BS degree in Chemistry at Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2005. Dr. Saner Okan received MS degree in 2007 and PhD degree in 2011 in Materials Science and Engineering programme at Sabanci University. Dr. Saner Okan is an academic director of Sabancı University Composite Research Center since March 2022, and also a research faculty member at Materials Science and Nanoenginnering and Manufacturing technologies at Sabanci University since 2017. In addition, Dr. Saner Okan is co-founder of NANOGRAFEN Nano Technological Products Company. Dr. Saner Okan develops cost-effective and lightweight automotive composites parts reinforced by waste tire-derived Graphene NanoPlatelet with part producers and leading OEM partners. Dr. Saner Okan has an expertise in graphene, polymer nanocomposites, compounding, surface chemistry and electrospinning, recycling and upcycling, circular economy. She has more than 50 articles published in international journals, 8 book chapters, 2 patents and more than 50 conference papers in these fields.
Title: Graphene manufacturing from waste tires towards thermoplastic sector
Abstract: The disposal and management of end-of-life tires have been a significant global waste problem for many years. The improper handling of used tires has led to environmental and health hazards, including tire fires, toxic emissions, and the creation of breeding grounds for disease-carrying insects. To address these challenges and improve the recycling rates of end-of-life tires, governments and environmental organizations need to collaborate with the private sector to invest in better recycling infrastructure and create incentives for recycling initiatives. Despite the challenges, the concept of graphene production from waste tires holds great potential for addressing both waste management and graphene supply issues. Herein, Nanografen provides a viable and sustainable solution for pyrolysis process of waste tires by combining upcycling technology and develops a feasible and scalable technology for mass production of graphene by lowering manufacturing costs. Nanografen addresses the thermoplastic market by serving a multifunctional additive in compounding process. Nanografen creates a value chain by supplying graphene to compounder and working with Tier 1 and OEMs. One of the solid achievements of Nanografen is becoming an official supplier of Renault together with Ravago with the developed PP based graphene masterbatches. Also, this graphene is validated by one of the global white goods companies, Arçelik, and they will start to use in washing machine with full recycled part formulations. Consequently, graphene-based lightweight composites held significant promise for revolutionizing the automotive industry and thermoplastic sector by improving part performance, efficiency, and sustainability. This multidisciplinary work provides more widespread adoption of graphene composites in plastic composite design and manufacturing.
Bio: Johan Ek Weis is the task leader for standardisation within the Graphene Flagship. He is also the Chair of SIS TK 516 Nanotechnologies, which is the Swedish mirror committee of ISO 229. After several years as an academic researcher (MSc, PhD and postdocs) in five different countries studying graphene and carbon nanotubes, he started focusing on taking graphene from the lab to the industry in 2015. He has helped numerous companies using graphene and is part of the program office of SIO Grafen. SIO Grafen is a Swedish strategic innovation programme which has involved 200 organisations in innovations with graphene. He holds a MSc from Chalmers University of Technology and a PhD from the University of Edinburgh.
Title: Graphene Standardisation
Abstract: Standards play an important role in taking new technologies or materials from university labs to factories and into new products.
A lot of work has been done on graphene standardisation within the international standardisation bodies ISO and IEC and also by the Graphene Flagship. I will describe the current status of standardisation of graphene and other 2D materials. What is happening now and what is already in place?
This presentation sets a starting point for discussing the future of standardisation of graphene and other 2D materials during the workshop on Thursday afternoon.
Bio: Dr. Henning Döscher is a project manager and senior researcher at the Emerging Technologies department of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI in Karlsruhe, Germany, since 2017. His work at Fraunhofer ISI focuses on innovation systems investigations on novel materials and technologies. Through his participation in several national and international research projects, he gained insight into innovation and diffusion of Industrial Technologies. Henning published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals on diverse topics in materials science, semiconductor physics, surface science, solar energy, and (photo-)electrochemistry. Among other projects, Henning currently contributes to the Graphene Flagship Project, where he coordinates the Technology and Innovation Roadmap process. He studied Physics (and Physical Technologies) as well as Business Information Systems at TU Clausthal, including research visits to UW Madison (WI, USA), to NCSU Raleigh (NC, USA), and to Cairo University (Egypt). In 2006, he joined Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (former Hahn-Meitner-Institut) and received his doctorate from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2010 based on a thesis on III-V heteroepitaxy on silicon substrates. Based at TU Ilmenau, he received a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship from the European Union, which enabled him to research the generation of solar fuels at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (CO, USA) and to return to Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Title: Graphene technology and innovation roadmap (TIR) process
Abstract: The graphene TIR process explores pathways towards the industrialization of graphene and related materials (GRM) by exploring their impact on the formation and transformation of future value chains. The presentation outlines the scope goals of the graphene roadmap in the context of its history, present status, and projected future. Beyond application specific innovation interface roadmaps, the combined TIR results paint a detailed picture of the status and prospects for overall GRM industrialization.
Bio: Isabel obtained a Master Degree in Physics (Semiconductor Physics) from the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and subsequently, earned a Doctoral Degree in Science (Microelectronics-Materials for Sensors) from the University of Navarra (Spain).
She started her career at AT&T Microelectronics transferred to AT&T-Bell Laboratories (USA) in the field of modelling and simulation of electronic components. Back in Spain, she joined one of the leading manufacturers of Power Discrete components, as an R&D Engineer and later, became Manager of Engineering and Production of the Wafer Fab, what gave her a wide picture of the microelectronics industry. At that position, she started her links with the European Commission as the representative of the group in Eurimus (Eureka Initiative for promotion of microsystem uses) Technical Committee.
Several years later, Isabel transitioned to Project Management in the field of Materials and Microtechnologies for Electronics in the largest technology center in Spain, Tecnalia, where she has initiated, managed and coordinated several new initiatives like the Nanotechnologies Program or the Printed Electronics Platform. She has also been Director of several Business Areas leading their market-technology and IP strategy. During all those years, she has been managing a large portfolio of European and private projects in the field of Micro-Nanofabrication, Functional Surfaces, Sensors and Printed Electronics.
All along her career, she has combined her job with activities as expert in innovation by performing Technology Due Diligences, evaluating new business opportunities for Venture capitals and Family offices or as Innovation Radar Expert for EU projects. She holds a title in Expert in Management of Innovation and Technology from Deusto Business School.
In September 2022 she joined the European Innovation Council as Programme Manager for Sustainable Electronics.
Title: Investing in Tech Entrepreneurship in Europe - EIC Funding opportunities
Abstract: Europe’s most ambitious innovation initiative is a €10 billion programme to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and disruptive innovations in Europe
It is unique in the world to combine research on emerging technologies with Accelerator for startups, SMEs and scaleups. The EIC Fund is the largest VC deep-tech investor in Europe.
A pro-active approach with flexible funding is the way the EIC is led with an important role of the Programme Manager. The programme manager for Responsible Electronics will give examples of projects in the 3 instruments: Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator of interest for the 2D materials ecosystem and will explain the challenges proposed to lead to novel research in fields related to sustainability in electronics.
Abstract: Ethics is usually considered a separate field from science and technology, or it is considered just a brake or a nuisance for real projects and activities related to research and innovation. Indeed any artifact can be seen as a "socio-technical system", since technology and society co-shape each other. Also, the EU defines Responsible Research and Innovation as "scientific research and technological development processes that take into account effects and potential impacts on the environment and society". In the case of Graphene, what are the main questions for researchers and developers that could enable even better projects and applications?
Bio: Born 1979, graduated Chernivtsi National University in 2001. He was a PhD student at the Institute for Problems of Materials Science in Kyiv, Ukraine in 2002-2006 and received his PhD in Solid State Physics in 2010. During 2004-2017 he was a visiting researcher and postdoc at Univerity of Oslo (Norway), Linköping University (Sweden) and University of Lissabon (Portugal). Since 2010 he was a postdoc at the Department of Seminconductor Materials and the Institute for Physics, Chemistry and Biology at Linköping University, and obtained the position of Assistant Professor in 2017. He is author of more then 80 articles and 4 patents, with Hirsch index of 26. In 2018 he established Grafren AB company and is 100% working on the development and commercialization of the graphene based products.
Title: Nanoscale integration of graphene flakes into the fibres based materials – reasons, features and the market potential
Abstract: Grafren AB started work on development of graphene based products early in 2018, with a specific focus on the material quality and particular dimensions of the graphene flakes. We have accumulated extensive experience in the nanoscale coating and integration of the graphene into other materials, changing and upgrading their properties. Specific focus that we have at Grafren is coating of the fibres based materials, such as textiles and fabrics. It was a bumpy journey with several failed products as well as several successful ones. In the presentation I will tell about the important aspects of the material quality, critical for successful product developments, will give an example of the projects that Grafren has successfully performed and products that we have successfully delivered and are delivering to the market. This includes fabrics with specific functions such as electrical heating, shielding and well as fire resistance. Importance of the clear value for the customers combined with the perfect product to market fit will be the focus of my presentation. At the end, I will share our planes for the future projects and potential products, which Grafren AB can enable.
Bio: Mamoun is a distinguished deep tech entrepreneur and award-winning founder, currently serving as the CEO and CTO of Graphmatech in Sweden. He leads a passionate and high-performing team, leveraging the power of graphene to enable and accelerate the green energy transition. Mamoun is driven by a passion for solving complicated challenges through innovation and leadership and converting technical breakthroughs into commercial values.
Title: Beyond the Hybe: Real-Life Challenges and Perspectives in Graphene Commercialization
Abstract: Is the path to commercialize technical breakthroughs from universities and research institutes straightforward?
Are researchers equipped for this transition?
How pivotal is the ecosystem in propelling deep tech solutions into the market?
While investment is acknowledged as influential, what other dynamics significantly affect the success of DeepTech startups?
This abstract explores the complexities of commercializing technical breakthroughs from academic and research institutions, focusing on the example of graphene as a pioneering DeepTech innovation with potential applications in green energy transition.
The abstract questions the straightforwardness of this commercialization path and examines the preparedness of researchers for transitioning to entrepreneurship. It emphasizes the role of the ecosystem in propelling DeepTech solutions into the market and discusses the significance of factors beyond just investment in ensuring the success of DeepTech startups.
The abstract underscores the challenges in scaling up graphene technology, including the need to outperform existing solutions, achieve cost-effective production, maintain quality standards, and secure funding. It acknowledges that the process of scaling up DeepTech startups is both time-consuming and costly.
In response to these challenges, the abstract suggests practical solutions. It highlights the importance of collaborative efforts between academia and industry, between SEMs and large corporates enabling the exchange of knowledge and resources as well as the commercial breakthroughs. The concept of cross-continental cooperation is introduced as a means to leverage a shared pool of expertise, especially considering the global imperative of transitioning to green energy.
While acknowledging the significance of capital in supporting DeepTech startup journeys, the abstract also emphasizes the presence of latent drivers that contribute to success. These drivers include fostering an innovation-driven culture, lowering commercialization barrier, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, building strategic networks, and demonstrating visionary leadership.
Overall, the abstract presents a comprehensive overview of the complexities and considerations involved in taking DeepTech innovations, like graphene, from academia to practical commercial large-scale applications. It stresses the importance of collaboration, cross-continental cooperation, and a holistic approach to addressing challenges beyond financial investment in order to drive the success of DeepTech startups in the context of the green energy transition.
Bio: Anna Carlsson is the CTO of Bright Day Graphene and the inventor of the process to make graphene oxide from lignin
Title: Scaling up Production and Application of Bio-based Graphene Oxide
Abstract: Bright Day Graphene AB is a Swedish start-up that has developed a production method for making graphene oxide from lignin, a residual product from the paper and pulp industry. This gives a graphene material that is biobased and with features that is optimised for energy storage (conductive additive in batteries) and many other applications. In this talk I will tell you more about our material and the road ahead towards scale-up and commercialisation.
Title: The untapped potential of 2D materials in all-optical non-linear photonics
Abstract: While regular software startups can rely on novel business models or market access to stand out, deep tech hardware startups need to have an edge on technology. Silicon photonics has been such an edge over the past 10 years, with many use-cases explored. The use-cases include electro-optical modulation of light, photodetectors, passive waveguides and more, especially ideal for telecommunication and data transfer. However, while possible, exploiting non-linear optical phenomena (such as wavelength conversion and all-optical switching) has been limited, due to the high optical powers they require. This whole avenue of new applications bears an untapped potential for startups, which are waiting for the right photonics platform. We believe that a photonics platform that integrates 2D materials can enable these non-linear applications at scale and provide the second generation of integrated photonics startups with the right tools. In this talk, we want to explore the technology challenges related to these applications, as well as the business and market aspects of 2D materials in non-linear photonics.
Bio: Ali Shaygan Nia is a group leader in the Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at Technische Universität Dresden since 2018 and Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics since 2023. He also serves as the Business Developed of Graphene Flagship since 2020. He received his B.Sc in Chemical Engineering (Polymer Technology) from Isfahan University of Technology (Iran) and obtained his Master and PhD in Polymer Chemistry from Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). His current interests include the exfoliation and functionalization of emerging 2D materials via wet chemistry methods and the study of their physical properties, the development of functional 2D material inks, pastes, and formulations for printing technologies, and the fabrication of energy storage devices beyond Lithium Ion Batteries (LIBs) such as supercapacitors, dual-ion batteries, and zinc batteries.
Title: Thin, Flexible, and Printable Supercapacitors and Batteries for Active Printed Electronic Devices (FlexPower)
Abstract: Printed electronics are all the rage, mostly passive, i.e., without energy storage devices (e.g., batteries and supercapacitors). However, the market for active battery-powered smart devices, such as active RFID tags, IoT sensors, and smart cards, has grown rapidly (> €100 billion market value, CAGR 10-15%) due to higher security, real-time tracking and updating, and less dependence on reader power, and has led to the rapid growth of the printed and thin-film battery market (CAGR 24%).
Currently, these active smart objects are powered mainly by primary batteries such as Li-MnO2 and zinc batteries. However, these batteries require frequent replacement (6-12 months). On the other hand, thin-film rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) require stringent moisture-free manufacturing, which is not easily translated to printing technologies, and their chemistry is often considered hazardous and flammable [1]. In addition, the raw materials for LIBs (e.g., Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel) are on the EU list of critical raw materials, which affects their sustainability.
FlexPower commercializes thin film, printed supercapacitors, and rechargeable zinc batteries based on graphene electrodes and water electrolytes [2,3]. FlexPower's technology is non-flammable and non-toxic, and all components of the device are disposable except for the polymer (e.g., PET) cell housing. In addition, the raw materials are not on the EU list of critical raw materials, ensuring the sustainability and independence of the technology's value chain.
Bio: James Baker is currently innovation manager for TEMAS Solutions, Switzerland. He has worked with the health, safety risks of nanomaterials for the past 10 years; development of new nanomaterials from industrial waste streams, as well asthe practical, industrial application of Safe and Sustainable by Design for nano-enabled products. James Baker is currently innovation manager for TEMAS Solutions, Switzerland. He has worked with the health, safety risks of nanomaterials for the past 10 years; development of new nanomaterials from industrial waste streams, as well as the practical, industrial application of Safe and Sustainable by Design for nano-enabled products.
Title: SAFEGRAPH: Developing a Pathway to Regulatory Compliance for Graphene-based Products
Abstract: Innovators are usually fully focussed on their new scientific and technical developments, including demonstration and validation, whether that is at lab scale, or translating laboratory results into prototypes and economically sustainable and viable products. One often forgotten but essential part of this process is to ensure the regulatory compliance of the new product or development. Following the principles of Safe and Sustainable by Design, awareness of regulation and conformity should be included at the early stage of development. In this way costly non-compliance errors can be avoided.
SafeGraph SH11 was designed to provide support to the Innovators by developing a generalised roadmap of steps which should be followed to ensure regulatory compliance is seamlessly achieved. In order to do this, SafeGraph worked in detail on the following products from four case studies:
Weargraph (C2) Integrated textile-based wearables that can also be used for energy conversion and storage.
Chemsens (C2) A multifunctional plaster sensor based on functionalised graphene, able to detect biological data on human skin.
Graphil (C3): A compact filtration system using polymeric hollow fibre membranes with graphene to remove PFAS and other contaminants.
GICE (C3): a thin mat of Graphene incorporated into the multi-layer upper surface of aircraft wings or helicopter rotor blades for de-icing.
While each case study had unique elements requiring unique regulatory attention, the methodology could be combined into one set of steps and overall approach in order to achieve regulatory compliance. The Legacy of the SafeGraph approach to regulatory compliance is enshrined in the Roadmap which will be made available in the post-Flagship era as a tool for all players working to develop new graphene, GO, and GRM based products, with information disseminated online through partner websites, dedicated webinars and training.
Bio: Head of R&D Partner Programs at Gerdau Graphene, São Paulo, Brazil
Title: Graphene-enhanced industrial applications, Performance Gains and Sustainability
Abstract: Gerdau Graphene is a Brazilian company focused on developing technological solutions based on nanomaterials like graphene for various markets, including polymers, paints and coatings, concrete and cementitious materials, grease and lubricating oil.
Using its own technology, "G2D Technology", to customize graphene and create “plug & play” solutions for the B2B market, Gerdau Graphene develops polymeric masterbatches, mineral additions and chemical additives tailored to its target markets.
At the Graphene Innovation Forum, we will showcase advancements in two of our target markets: PolyG and NanoCons products, for the polymer and concrete industries, respectively.
The development results will be presented, as well as the performance of the products in large-scale industrial tests in our commercial partners, with special emphasis on the relationship between ownership gains and their contribution to the ESG agenda.
Concerning Poly-G, application in flexible polyethylene films will be emphasized. The use of Poly-G enabled the production of thinner films with equivalent or improved mechanical properties compared to traditional polyethylene films, leading to a significant reduction in raw material consumption and reduction in production costs, without compromising the integrity of the final product.
As for the industrial applications of NanoCons, we will present the performance achieved by using the additive in precast concrete systems, with significant improvements in mechanical properties and consequent reduction in clinker consumption in the final product. Moreover, the use of NanoCons allows for process gains and a decrease in water consumption, resulting in competitive advantages for the concrete industry.
In summary, Gerdau Graphene develops plug&play graphene-based products, G2D technology, bringing performance gains to the final product in a sustainable way.
Bio: Christian Werdinius manages R&D at Provexa Technology, a company specializing in chemical analysis, corrosion testing, consultancy, and surface treatment. Affiliated with Provexa ytbehandling, they offer nearly 100 surface treatments for metal and plastic. Christian holds an M.Sc. in chemistry from Chalmers and conducted research in polymer and surface science at TU Dresden. He later explored nanofabrication and earned a licentiate degree in Chemical Physics from Chalmers. He shifted to studying jellyfish water absorption for enhanced salt tolerance of superabsorbers.
With a career spanning since 2004, Christian has worked at Danisco refining sugar production side-streams to valuable food additives and at Swedish Match developing oral indulgence products. Throughout, his focus on surface technology persisted. In 2020, he became R&D manager at Provexa Technology, leading advancements in surface treatment.
Title: Catch-22 in Industrial Upscaling: Overcoming Challenges
Abstract: One of the challenges in scaling up prototype production to the commercial level is the Catch-22 scenario that emerges. Companies investing in industrial expansion seek customer commitments to mitigate risks, while customers require proof of reliable and consistent product quality before committing. This impasse results in a standstill, driven by understandable risk aversion and capital limitations. This issue is even more pronounced for novel techniques and materials, like graphene-related materials (GRMs) and associated products, where raising capital, securing commitments, and embracing risk are critical to transitioning from lab-scale to limited production.
Limited production scaling is often inadequate, particularly when potential clients, such as the automotive industry, demand substantial quantities before product evaluation. Similar challenges exist in GRM raw material production, as potential high-demand sectors like battery manufacturing hesitate due to insufficient GRM production capacity. This creates a Catch-22 situation: GRM producers cannot construct large factories without assured demand, while potential customers are reluctant without guaranteed supply.
This predicament partly explains the scarcity of widely adopted GRM products. Public funding can provide some relief, as demonstrated by the ongoing Vinnova-funded GAIA project at Provexa Technology. Here, we're developing an electrophoretic surface treatment process to deposit polymer/GRM composite films on metal or plastic, enhancing electromagnetic wave absorption for EMC applications and surface protection. Our objective is to scale up to a small automated production line, enabling comprehensive quality assessments during continuous production. Ultimately, this will empower potential clients to coat substantial components, not just test samples, for real-world application trials.
Bio:Dr Dan XU has versatile experience and expertise in fields of research, research management, and industry development & promotion. She received her doctoral degree in material chemistry from State University of New York(SUNY)at Binghamton in 2010. She joined NGIC since 2022 April, and is responsible for human resources, operational management, international communication and cooperation etc. She was senior research manager in University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) from 2017 Sept. to 2022 March. At UNNC, she supported several research platforms to be granted in provincial and municipal level and organized series activities such as University Open Day, workshop of New Generation Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing, and Innovation Events. Before Dan joined UNNC, she has 7-years working experience and expertise in regional economic operational analysis, industrial enterprise development and industrial planning formulation as a government officer.
Abstract: The talk will be delivered with title of “Progress and Challenges of Graphene Commercialization in China”, includes the main content of PART I Overview of Graphene Industry Development in China which covers graphene industry policies, layout, graphene production capacity, applications/products, investment status, and common problem for industrializations in China, and PART II Introduction of National Graphene Innovation Center(NGIC) of China including the foundation background, capabilities, facilities, targets, organization structure, operational management team, tech roadmap and industry services of NGIC and China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry (CGIA).
Bio: Dr Colli is a device scientist, graduated in Physics from the University of Trieste (Italy) and was subsequently awarded a Ph.D at the University of Cambridge (UK). He later worked at Nokia Research Centre, focussing on a portfolio of nanotechnologies including graphene. Alan was among the founding members of Emberion, where he leveraged his broad experience in optoelectronics for imaging applications. He filed more than 30 patents and contributed to several demonstrators and products development, leading the prototyping task for the optoelectronics work package in the ramp-up phase and the technology-focussed tasks of the GBIRCAM Spearhead Project in Core 3. His major expertise is to solve complex technical challenges, both at fundamental and system integration levels.
Title: Multi-band imaging with CMOS-integrated graphene photodetectors
Abstract: Hyperspectral imaging is fast becoming the next technological leap for an increasing number of applications relying on augmented vision systems. Of particular interest is the simultaneous detection of light in all the atmospheric transmission bands – visible (VIS), near-infrared (NIR), short-wave (SWIR), medium wave (MWIR) and long-wave infrared (LWIR). A set of independent cameras can be assembled for this purpose [1], but results in significant size, weight, power, and cost burden. There is a pressing need for a new approach that combines multi-band photodetection in a single focal plane array. Because of its unique electronic and optical properties, and its compatibility to build on CMOS, graphene and related materials offer an ideal platform for multi-spectral sensor integration into a single imaging system.
We have developed a range of graphene-based photodetectors to cover all bands of interest from VIS to LWIR, and integrated different technologies side-by-side in arrays of "super-pixels" up to 80x60 in resolution and 160 µm in lateral pitch. We have also developed a read-out integrated circuits (ROIC) platform to interrogate such arrays and generate a real-time image through Emberion's proprietary camera hardware. Strategies to couple graphene with quantum-dots [2,3,4], pyroelectric materials [5], low-bandgap oxides [6], etc., will be reviewed, with particular emphasis on the processes and solutions required for multi-band integration and wafer-scale production capabilities up to 200mm. The latest version of the multi-band camera prototype will be showcased.
This work has been carried out as part of the Graphene Flagship Core3 Spearhead project GBIRCAM.
Bio: Arne is the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of the Swedish start-up company In2great Materials AB. In2great Materials enables the development of future electronics by offering the semiconductor industry solutions for integrating atomically thin materials. Arne earned a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) with a research focus on photonic microsystems and 2D material integration.
Title: Wafer-level integration of 2D materials for back-end of line applications.
Abstract: Layered materials with thicknesses on the atomic scale (2D materials) promise to revolutionize electronics and photonics. However, without a viable integration technology that leverages established silicon-based infrastructure for manufacturing on an industrial scale, 2D materials will never be used beyond academic research and not deliver the great potential they hold. In this talk, we will present In2great's proprietary integration technology that is a promising solution to this problem.