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Prague, Czech Republic
14-17 October 2024
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • 14-17 October 2024

Innovation Forum @ Graphene Week 2024

The Innovation Forum focuses on innovation and commercialisation of applications containing 2D materials. Here is an opportunity to hear about successful implementations and challenges from both start-ups and larger corporations. The presentations during the Innovation Forum are short and sharp, which gives more time for interaction through discussions and questions. Interactive panel discussions with industrial representatives will probe into future application. The Graphene Flagship’s work in both standardisation and roadmapping will be presented. There will also be opportunities to network and discuss ideas and future collaborations with the presenters as well as fellow attendees.

11:15 11:15 - 13:15

Opening Session

The Graphene Flagship is working towards industrialisation of 2D materials on all levels. Kari Hjelt will give an overview of the latest market trends and provide examples of commercialisation success stories.


Letizia Bocchi will present the progress from invention to commercialisation of Medica’s graphene containing water filters. This is an example of one of the industry lead ‘Spearhead projects’, from the previous phase of the Graphene Flagship, which focused on accelerating innovations. It will be interesting to hear the progress since the end of the project (12 months ago).


Roadmapping exercises demonstrate various paths that 2D materials can take to transition from the lab to use in industrial applications. The roadmap aggregates a common view and offers strategic guidance for both the Graphene Flagship and industry. Henning Döscher will present the latest updates.


Standardisation plays an important role in building trust for integration of 2D materials in commercial applications, promoting manufacturing reproducibility and making sure we use a well-defined terminology. Jörg Radnik will present the ongoing standardisation work within the Graphene Flagship.

13:15 13:15 - 14:00


15:00 15:00 - 16:00

Suppliers Forum

For successful commercialisation of applications containing 2D materials, the whole value chain, from producers to end users, needs to be in place. In this session we will hear from a variety of suppliers of 2D materials. What are their challenges and success stories? The audience is encouraged to ask questions and take part in the discussions.

11:15 11:15 - 13:15

Integrating Graphene Innovations (GRAPHERGIA + ARMS)

13:15 13:15 - 14:00


14:00 14:00 - 15:00

2D-Pilot line + Europractise

The 2D-Pilot Line (2D-PL) project aims to further strengthen the European ecosystem in the development of integration modules for photonics and electronics prototyping services. It will work to mature semiconductor technologies and provide information to aid industrial uptake. This session will highlight the work done to mature these technologies over the past four years and the work planned for the next phase of the project. 

Full 2D-PL programme

15:00 15:00 - 17:30

Industry Perspective

This session offers an opportunity to hear from industry representatives about challenges and opportunities in commercialization of 2D materials. What are the material bottlenecks? What does success look like? What has been learnt through failure? The audience is encouraged to ask questions and take part in the discussions.

11:15 11:15 - 13:00

Standardisation Training Session

13:15 13:15 - 14:00


14:15 14:15 - 15:00

Czech Innovation Landscape Around 2D Materials

Workshop organised by AMIRES

Commercialisation of applications containing 2D materials continues to face various challenges. This session will showcase several success-stories from the Czech landscape, featuring several companies and innovators representing the whole value chain, from producers to end users. Their successes, challenges and local support mechanisms will be discussed.

15:00 15:00 - 17:30
2DM, Roadmap, Water Filtration

A Retrospective Analysis and the Future of 2D Materials in Desalination & Water Treatment

Hosted by the Research & Innovation Center for Graphene, we present the 3rd International EU-UAE Workshop.

As the world grapples with water scarcity, innovative technologies are imperative. Graphene and related 2D materials present a promising avenue for revolutionising desalination and water purification processes, particularly given their inherent resistance to fouling and microbial growth. However, the path to integrating 2D materials into the water desalination and water treatment industries is one that faces resistance to change and challenges. In this session we take a retrospective analysis of the Graphene Technology and Innovation Roadmap’s actualisation in this field, while looking at future opportunities and challenges through case studies, latest scientific applications, and a robust round table discussion.

Innovation Forum Speakers

Sofia Öiseth
Chair - Opening Session

Sofia Öiseth

Chalmers Industriteknik

Kari Hjelt
Opening Session

Kari Hjelt

Chalmers Industriteknik

Letizia Bocchi
Opening Session

Letizia Bocchi

Medica S.p.A.

Henning Döscher
Opening Session

Henning Döscher

Fraunhofer ISI

Jörg Radnik
Opening Session

Jörg Radnik

Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM)

Francesco Bonaccorso
Suppliers Forum

Francesco Bonaccorso

BeDimensional S.p.A

Suppliers Forum

Kimberley O’Connor


Alba Centeno, Graphenea
Industry Perspective

Alba Centeno

Graphenea, Spain

Burcu Saner Okan, Euronova
Industry Perspective

Burcu Saner Okan


Axel Fanget
Industry Perspective

Axel Fanget

Melexis, Switzerland

Industry Perspective

Andrea Spanou

Graphmatech, Sweden

Rafael Dias da Silva
Industry Perspective

Rafael Dias da Silva

Gerdau Graphene, Brazil