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Innovation Webinar

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Free virtual event
27 May 2021
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  • Free virtual event
  • 27 May 2021

Emberion: from Lab to Fab

In this webinar, Piers Andrew, one of Emberion’s founders, describes the company’s genesis as a spin-out from a multinational and its subsequent evolution into an independent entity. He will relate the journey taken from the initial “hero” devices made in the laboratory – through twists and turns – to the development of a saleable product.


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About the webinar

In this webinar, Piers Andrew, one of Emberion’s founders, describes the company’s genesis as a spin-out from a multinational and its subsequent evolution into an independent entity. After a brief introduction to set the scene,  he will relate the journey taken from the initial “hero” photodetector devices made in the laboratory – through twists and turns – to the development of a saleable camera product.

In parallel with the technological development made (sine qua non), the changes (in attitude and approach) required and learnings made in making the transition from corporate research to a product company will be examined and the lessons learned will be related.

Amongst the topics discussed will be sources of funding, the relevance of intellectual property, the trials of a small company, the value of partners and the overriding importance of cashflow.

Thu, 27 May 2021 | 2:00 - 2:40 PM CEST