Innovation Workshop Electronics
Graphene for electronics
Innovation Workshop Electronics is an industry workshop for participants who want to discuss opportunities with graphene in the area of electronics and meet future partners to create new exciting innovation projects. This event was co-organised by the Graphene Flagship, RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) and SIO Grafen.
In this event, stakeholders from academia and industry presented their perspective of future needs in electronics and contributed to a discussion on the opportunities and challenges of graphene-based technologies.
- Kari Hjelt, Chalmers Industriteknik
- Björn Samel, RISE
- Elisabeth Sagström-Bäck, SIO Grafen
- Cedric Huyghebaert , IMEC, Belgium
- Thomas Schmaltz, Fraunhofer ISI,
- Thurid Gspann, KIT, Germany
- Stephan Pindl, Infineon, Germany
- Samuel Lara Avila, Graphensic, Sweden
- Linda Höglund, IRnova, Sweden

Graphene Flagship hosts Innovation Workshop Electronics event
The Innovation Workshop aims to foster collaborative innovation projects within and outside of the Graphene Flagship consortium. The interplay between research and industry is needed in order to find the right hot spots for innovations and direct research efforts towards the most commercially promising applications.
Co-organised by
Graphene Flagship, RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden and SIO Grafen