Women in Graphene 2018
Women in Graphene 2018
The Women in Graphene initiative within the Graphene Flagship has been set up to help support women and create a more gender diverse scientific community.
Keynote speakers
Annick Loiseau
My Path in Science as a Response to a Physics Professor's Statement on Gender Issues in the Seventies
Sanna Arpiainen
The gender effect - "I will provide a short overview on the reasoning behind the important decisions that have defined my career path from scientific to industrial research and then challenge you to think of the influence of gender in the credibility, respect and access to silent information".
Alba Centeno Pérez
Switching Career from Academia to Industry - "During this talk I would like to share with you my personal and professional experience in Science. My PhD was carried out within the Framework of an European Project focued on the development of new materials for Nuclear Fusion Reactors. After some decisions I switched my career to more applied Research and I joined Graphenea S. A seven years ago. I will present you the evolution in a start-up company".