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Workshop: Sensors with Graphene

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RISE Electrum, Stockholm, Sweden
23 November 2022
  • RISE Electrum, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 23 November 2022

Sensors with Graphene

Come listen to presentations and participate in discussions in this workshop focusing on graphene in sensors. Those interested, can participate in a lab tour at RISE Kista, including the Electrum cleanroom and Characterisation labs. This is a joint event organised by SIO Grafen, RISE and the Graphene Flagship.

 When: 23 November 2022, 11:00-17:00

 Where: Room "Knuth", RISE Electrum, floor 6, elevator B, Kistagången 16 in Stockholm.


11.00-12.00 Lab tour

12.00-13.00 Lunch at Restaurant Provence

13.00-13.15 Opening (RISE, SIO Grafen, Graphene Flagship)


  • The European 2D-Experimental Pilot Line as a platform for novel sensor concepts
    Gordon Rinke, AMO
  • Vision Enhancement in Adverse Weather: Graphene’s role towards low-cost Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) sensors.
    Jan-Erik Källhammar, Veoneer
  • Gas sensing with mid-infrared photonics: graphene for integrated Systems-on-Chip
    Floria Ottonello Briano, SenseAir
  • The PhotonHUB Offer – Why and how to apply for PhotonHUB funding? 
    Lennart BM Svensson, PhotonicSweden
  • Pitch presentations

14.45-15.05 Coffee break


  • Integration of 2D-material for semiconductors
    Arne Quellmalz, In2great Materials AB/KTH
  • Graphene based hybrid metasurfaces for mid-IR gas sensors
    Tom Yager, Institute of Solid State Physics
  • Gassenors based on MoS2
    Patrik Bjöörn, Smena Catalysis
  • TBC
    CrayoNano AS

16.25-17.00 Free discussion

Upcoming events

Prague bridge
14-18 October 2024

Graphene Week 2024

Supported by the European Commission, Graphene Week 2024 stands at the forefront of cutting-edge research, innovation, and technology. As Europe's leading and longest-running graphene conference, it unites over 500 international experts and students to discuss key topics concerning graphene and 2D materials. In 2024, the program welcomes over 200 speakers, an Innovation Forum, an Exhibition, and dedicated sessions on diversity, early career development, EC future opportunities, and 2D materials for the future. Join us for the 19th edition of Graphene Week 2024 in Prague, and let’s turn wonder into action!

IOP Publishing Workshop

While the 2D materials community celebrates 20 years since the isolation of graphene, IOP Publishing’s 2D Materials journal celebrates its 10-year anniversary. The journal will mark this occasion with a special contribution to the Graphene Week 2024 conference to be held in Prague, Czech Republic. Join the “Publication and peer review” workshop providing instruction for PhD students and early career researchers on how to make it as an author and a reviewer in journals. IOPP will also organise a focus issue in 2D Materials based on Graphene Week 2024 with contributions from speakers. Authors are welcome to contribute an original research paper, topical review or perspective. The focus issue will be showcased on a dedicated webpage and promoted extensively to the community.

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