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Tailor designed integrations

EU Funded

The different processing sites of the 2D-PL will also offer dedicated processing services for the customers which have specific requests which do not fit in the MPW portfolio. The tailor integrated services will of course benefit from the generic progress in GRM integration gathered by the consortium partners and which is secured through the 2D-PL funding.

Since the capacity of the MPW runs is limited, it might be that not all the customers who expressed their interest in participating in the specific MPW run can be served through this run. The different projects will be ranked according to evaluation criteria which will be assessed by the technical leads of the 2D-EPL. Therefore, the customer will be asked to provide a completed application form containing:

  • The end-user contact information.
  • The requested service from the 2D-PL.
  • General description of the intended application and its end use.

Information about our three processing sites' tailor designed integration services coming soon!

2D-PL processing sites


IHP focuses on research and development in the field of microelectronics and information technology, in particular on the promotion of silicon-based high technologies to strengthen microelectronic research and industry in Germany and Europe. The spectrum of research work ranges from innovative materials to complex systems, e.g. for communication, which is a unique selling point in the research landscape. IHP covers the entire R&D value chain, from basic research to the manufacturing of prototypes and small series. The basis for IHP's capabilities is the institute's own continuously (24/7) operated pilot line with its qualified 0.25/0.13 µm SiGe BiCMOS technologies.

Currently, graphene, with its potential for functional extension of Si technology, is one of the research fields at IHP. The research includes material synthesis on 200 mm wafers in the IHP’s cleanroom and development of technological processes for graphene device fabrication in a 200 mm pilot line.


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a state-owned non-profit research and technology organisation (RTO) with the aim of strengthening Finnish and European industrial competitiveness in multiple fields ranging from sustainable food and energy production to quantum computing. As an RTO VTT acts between universities and industry, bringing basic research towards industrial adaptation and helping the industry in their R&D needs. Graphene industrialisation at VTT is based on 2 600 m2 cleanroom in Micronova, Espoo, with a focus on wafer-scale CVD graphene process optimisation for electronics, photonics and sensors, including the integration on silicon CMOS for multiplexed sensor arrays. In addition to the MPW runs, VTT offers contract research, prototyping and small-scale manufacturing.


The research foundry AMO GmbH is a non-profit SME specialising in R&D for micro- and optoelectronic applications. AMO acts as a pathfinder for innovative technologies for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics applications for the German and European industry. The mission is to demonstrate innovative technologies and to introduce new materials, including their implementation in novel device architectures, prototyping and small volume fabrication. As a research oriented company, AMO efficiently closes the gap between university research and industrial applications.

A broad base of advanced semiconductor process technologies is available in a state-of-the-art 400 m² cleanroom completed with a range of services from consulting to prototype development. By utilizing all available cleanroom equipment, AMO offers a highly flexible platform for processing nano-, micro- and optoelectronic applications. Services can be provided for all established processing capabilities and technology platforms in the field of CMOS and graphene devices as well as for active and passive photonic components.

Graphenea Semiconductors

Graphenea, a technology company founded in 2010, is a world leading graphene producer. The 25 employees in Graphenea work on contributing to the successful development of graphene applications of our customers, in a wide range of sectors and in more than 60 countries in the world. Through research and innovation, we support our customers with our portfolio consisting of: CVD Graphene films, Graphene Field-Effect-Transistors chips (GFETs), Graphene Foundry Services (GFAB) and Graphene Oxides. Graphenea’s facilities are located in Spain (San Sebastián) and USA (Boston).