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Biomedical Applications

Graphene applications in drug delivery, biosensing, antibacterial material, bone prostheses and small implants are quite interesting. However, the research in all fields of application is still at an early stage.

This section covers special applications of graphene in biomedicine in a more sector oriented approach. The spectrum of applications in biomedicine proves to be quite broad and diverse, so that it is not possible to apply a single principle of GRM utilization on all biomedical applications.

GRMs promise to impact the biomedicine market in numerous segments. In particular, applications in drug delivery, biosensing, antibacterial material, bone prostheses, and small implants appear quite promising. However, the research in all fields of application is still at an early stage, and often the final proof of feasibility is still missing. However, it can be expected that further cases for application will be detected in the next years, for instance in biosensing.

A specific feature of the market in biomedicine is the requirement that all products and devices must be admitted by the public regulatory authorities of the respective countries. This brings in a delay or at least three years. In any case, there is a broad industrial basis in the EU which could adopt graphene/GO in biomedicine. Therefore, the market potential in an EU perspective is generally positive.

Read the Biomedical section of the roadmap.

This table illustrates the various uses for graphene and related materials (GRM) for biomedical applications.