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  • By: Siân Fogden
  • Graphene Flagship
  • Publishing date: 10 May 2016
  • By: Siân Fogden
  • Graphene Flagship
  • Publishing date: 10 May 2016

How to start up a 'start up'

So, you've done some great research, got a great paper, possibly even filed a great patent but what now? If you have ever wondered how to take research and, truly, (objectively), assess its worth and turn it into a start up company then this is the session for you.

In this session, experienced entrepreneur Dr. Kari Hjelt will share his knowledge and understanding of the initial start up phase. By sharing both his successes and his failures he will help to inspire and encourage you to take the next step. Using his tried and tested 10 questions rule, he will encourage you to seek out all of the information you need to write a business plan, get traction with investors and make a success of the initial phase.

Kari Hjelt
After completing his PhD in Engineering Physics, Dr Kari Hjelt did an MBA at the London Business School and moved firmly into the innovation world.  
Kari has extensive experience of corporate innovations through his role as Director at Nokia Ventures Organisation and Nokia Research Centre. After leaving Nokia he made a name for himself as the founder and CEO of several start up companies before joining the Graphene Flagship as the Head of Innovation January 2016.

This How to start up a 'start up' session will be held as part of the Graphene Week 2016 Fringe Innovation Session at 14:00 on Wednesday 15 June and is included in the conference fee so register now for Graphene Week 2016!

Author bio

Siân Fogden