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Graphene applications

EU Funded

Graphene is one of the world's most interesting and versatile materials.

The world's first two-dimensional material, this single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice has a set of unique and outstanding properties. As well as being the thinnest, strongest and lightest known material, graphene is flexible, impermeable to molecules and extremely electrically and thermally conductive.

As the world strives to maintain its pace of innovation, graphene has much to offer. Graphene is helping to facilitate the next generation of technology: from 5G telecommunications, to flexible mobile screens and casings. Its excellent sensing ability can enhance the next generation of wearable electronics and drive the internet of things. Graphene’s unique combination of properties coupled with its ease of incorporation into composite materials enable advances in the composite world. Graphene is also expanding the realm of possibility within the biomedical sector, paving the way for targeted drug delivery and biosensors.

​Graphene Application Areas


Graphene sensors can be used in a variety of different ways; from chemical based gas, pH and environment contamination sensors, through to pressure and strain sensors.

Aeronautics & Space

Graphene's properties make the material ideal for a myriad of applications in aircrafts, aeronautics, and human space exploration.


Graphene Flagship’s innovations in automotive technology accelerate green mobility by examining how graphene, with its valuable properties, can address key challenges in the automotive sector, such as fuel efficiency, recycling and environmental impact.

Water filtration

Several Graphene Flagship initiatives study new solutions for water purification, using graphene-enabled filters help remove contaminants, pesticides, heavy metals and dangerous pathogens.


Graphene is driving advances in solar cells, batteries, super capacitors, hydrogen storage and fuel cells, and enabling sustainable cities.

Biomedical Technology

Graphene is expanding the realm of possibility within the biomedical sector, paving the way for targeted drug delivery and biosensors.

Composites & Coatings

Composites using graphene and layered materials can provide performance improvements and enhancements to a range of applications.

Photonics & Optoelectronics

Graphene’s properties make it ideal for next-generation optoelectronics and optical communications systems.


Graphene is enabling the next generation of technology from chips and interconnects for 5G data communication to flexible screens for wearable technology.

Flexibles & Wearables

Health tracking devices, environmental sensors, durable e-textiles and flexible power sources are all developed with graphene to surpass state-of-the-art.

Video thumbnail: Graphene Pavilion Tour

Graphene Pavilion

Learn about graphene and its various uses in applications ranging from aircraft overhead to cars on the road, and even underground. Graphene's properties can make materials stronger, lighter, flexible and even electrically conductive. That opens many possibilities for new and improved technologies.