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Events Policy

Graphene Flagship events policy​

At the Graphene Flagship we take your privacy seriously and want you to understand clearly how we will use the personal data you supply when registering to attend an event.  

General Conditions 

  • By registering you confirm your participation as a delegate in one of the attendee categories and that you will not knowingly allow access to the event to anyone outside this community. 
  • All delegates are urged to take personal travel insurance.  
  • The organiser cannot be held liable for any hindrance or disruption of the Event proceedings arising from political, social or economic events or any other unforeseen incidents beyond their control.  
  • Delegates commit to not causing any nuisance or inconvenience during the Event. 
  • The Graphene Flagship organisers will not be liable for any theft or damage to property and/or persons caused on site during the Event. 

Code of Conduct 

All participants are expected to: 

  • Be inclusive, considerate, respectful and collaborative. 
  • Refrain from intimidating, discriminatory, harassing or demeaning behaviour. 
  • Inform the event organiser if they notice someone in distress. 

Data Privacy Statement 

  • The delegate confirms having read the Graphene Flagship policy on GDPR, and agrees that any personal information she/he provided will be stored and used for the purpose of the Graphene Flagship Event. By registering to a Graphene Flagship Event, the delegate also agrees with the event policy for photography, recording and video presentations. If the delegate does not wish for pictures of her/him to be used by the Graphene Flagship, the delegate must contact event@graphene-flagship.eu, no later than two weeks before the event. 

The Conference Policy 

  • By attending a Graphene Flagship Event, the delegate acknowledges and agrees to granting the Graphene Flagship the right to record, film, photograph and to distribute, broadcast, use or otherwise disseminate such media without any further approval or any payment. This grant includes, but is not limited to, the right to edit such media, the right to use the media alone or together with other information and the right to allow others to use or disseminate the media. 
  • Audio and video recording of conference sessions: An official Graphene Flagship film team will be shooting video and photographs and publishing in social media. Any further video or audio recordings of a Graphene Flagship event session, carried out by delegates, is strictly prohibited. 

Please note: 

  • The Graphene Flagship is “Funded by the European Union”. The views and opinions expressed in Graphene Flagship events are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. 

Chalmers University of Technology, as coordinator of the Graphene Flagship, is responsible for all processing of personal data held on the Graphene Flagship website and customer relations management software. You may view Chalmers' event policy here.