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Graphene Flagship Events

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2D-PL Hybrid Session 17 Feb
17 February 2025

2D-PL Advanced Characterisation Methods workshop

The 2D-PL workshop Advanced Characterisation Methods workshop highlights the latest innovations in analysing and advancing 2D materials, presented in a hybrid format with live streaming as it is embedded in the in-person workshop "Novel (2D) Materials and Their Applications" in Aachen. The session opens with an introduction to the 2D-Pilot Line project, the follow-up to the 2D-EPL, focusing on scalable production and integration of 2D material technologies. Abbas Mohtashami from TNO, one of the new partners of the 2D-PL, presents advancements in Scanning Nitrogen-Vacancy Microscopy as a high-resolution characterisation tool for 2D material devices. The final talk, contributed by Gertjan van Baarle (LPM) and project partner of 2D Engine, delves into in-situ tools for real-time characterization and manipulation of 2D materials during and after growth on liquid metal catalysts via CVD. Join us online and gain valuable insights into the forefront of 2D materials research and technology.

The Graphene Flagship organises a variety of events for researchers, industry and early career researchers in order to inspire you to engage in better research, innovation and collaboration. The project is also represented at external tradeshows and exhibitions. 

Which events are right for you?

For Researchers

Our events for researchers include our annual conference Graphene Week, our workshops for early career researchers Graphene Study, our International Workshops which encourage collaborations with researchers in many other parts of the world, and our digital events.

For Industry

The Graphene Flagship organises several events for industry including the Graphene Marketplace events hosted by Graphene Flagship partners who wish to promote graphene applications in their companies and Innovation Workshops created to foster innovation projects between academia and industry.

In addition to our own industry events, the Graphene Flagship showcases graphene applications at industry tradeshows and exhibitions.

For Students

The Graphene Flagship promotes the education of early career researchers with its Graphene Study events.

Three women reading at the Graphene Week 2019

For Diversity

The Diversity in Graphene initiative aims to create a collaborative research environment where everybody feels welcome, without any prejudice. The initiative holds two annual meetings, a career day and a meeting at the Graphene Week conference.