2D Materials of Tomorrow
The aim of these projects is to develop high-quality 2DM and hetero-structures platforms by exploiting most promising emerging 2DM and/or discovering new ones, and combining them in functional systems and hetero-structures. This should be achieved by pushing the boundaries of growth, characterisation methods, deposition and layer-by-layer assembly of atomically thin crystals supported by multiscale theoretical modelling of materials and devices.
Latest articles

BeDimensional, Graphene Flagship partner and spin-off, opens new production plant in Genoa
The plant will be the first in the world to produce two-dimensional crystals on an industrial scale, and is expected to reach over 30 tons annually by 2028.

The commercialisation of graphene electronics
Kari Hjelt and Henning Döscher of the Graphene Flagship, have collaborated on a new article published in Springer Nature Electronics titled: “The commercialisation of graphene electronics.”