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Photonic integrated chip in blue and orange colour scheme.
GATEPOST / Graphene / Electronics

First photonic integrated GATEPOST chip

First major milestone achieved in the EU GATEPOST project: All eight European project partners from industry and science meet to discuss the progress of the project and reflect on the development work of the last six months.

By Graphene Flagship / 29 May 2024
wafer mpw run 6
2D-EPL / Electronics / Sensors


Multi project wafer (MPW) runs are a common practice within the semiconductor ecosystem. Universities, R&D centres and start ups, which usually only need a few prototypes and operate with tight budgets, take advantage of this service to obtain devices at an affordable entry point. This is carried out with a mask sharing scheme, where devices with different geometries but shared device architecture are manufactured within the same mask; in this way, everyone gets a few devices but no one needs to purchase more devices than necessary. Now, Graphenea partners with the 2D Experimental Pilot Line (2D-EPL) to offer an MPW run with a novel process flow.

By Graphene Flagship / 18 April 2024
Light bends electrons through graphene
Photonics / Electronics / Materials

Light bends electrons through graphene

Graphene Flagship researchers from ICFO in Barcelona, in collaboration with teams in Columbia University, US, NTU, Singapore and NIMS, Japan, have reported the first use of light to bend of electrons in bilayer graphene.

By ICFO and Graphene Flagship / 19 April 2022