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  • By: Tom Foley
  • Graphene Flagship
  • Publishing date: 27 October 2020
  • By: Tom Foley
  • Graphene Flagship
  • Publishing date: 27 October 2020

FLAG-ERA heralds fourth Joint Transnational Call to support Graphene Flagship partnering projects

The European Research Area Network FLAG-ERA has released a pre-announcement for the fourth call to support, extend and introduce new scientific Partnering Projects to the EU-funded Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project initiatives.

By gathering National and Regional Funding Organisations (NRFOs) from EU Member States and associated countries, FLAG-ERA, in collaboration with the European Commission, supports the longevity and success of the FET Flagship projects. One of FLAGERA's main goals is to allow researchers to complement research done by the Flagship Core Projects and to collaborate towards the achievement of the Flagships' vision through existing or dedicated transnational, national and regional calls.

The Graphene Flagship part of the FLAG-ERA 2021 Joint Transnational Call will be divided into two sections: one for basic research and another for applied research and innovation. The basic research section covers topics investigating areas such as the bacterial degradation of graphene and layered materials, the growth and device integration of two-dimensional amorphous materials and more. The applied research and innovations section encompasses applications of graphene and layered materials such as antiviral protection, advanced metal-ion supercapacitors, neural interfacing and 6G communication.

By releasing the pre-announcement, FLAG-ERA encourages interested parties to begin building their consortia and preparing their proposals. For more information, please don't hesitate to view the full pre-announcement document here.

Author bio

Tom Foley
Tom Foley

Science Writer and Communications Coordinator for the Graphene Flagship