Effective 1 March 2025, Maria Abrahamsson will take on the position of Graphene Flagship Director. Abrahamsson will replace Patrik Johansson who served as Graphene Flagship Director since October 2023 and as Vice-Director for three years before that.
Friday, 31 January the inaugural General Assembly and start of the Innovative Advanced Materials Initiative (IAM-I) took place in Brussels and online with over 250 participants. The 2D community was very well represented.
Due to the early days of the material, graphene standards are still a work in progress. At the same time, they are a much-needed prerequisite if graphene is to be used on a larger industrial scale.
The 19th Graphene Week conference, hosted in Prague, Czech Republic, on 14-18 October highlighted the progress made in graphene and 2D materials (2DM) research and innovation since the isolation of graphene in October 2004.
Register for the new non-profit association that will operate the upcoming European co-programmed partnership: Innovative Advanced Materials for Europe (IAM4EU).
The 19th edition of Graphene Week, to be held in Prague, Czech Republic 14-18 October 2024 will offer a rich programme as the Graphene Flagship celebrates its new projects and 20 years of 2D materials research and innovation since the isolation of graphene.
On Friday, 26 April 2024, the Graphene Flagship launched an exhibition celebrating the initiative's decade of success and plans for the future in the European Commission's Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT) offices in Brussels. Roberto Viola, Director-General for DG CNECT delivered the keynote talk, praising the success of the project and its contribution to the European 2D materials ecosystem.
On 20 March 2024, the European Commission (EC) adopted the second strategic plan for Horizon Europe, confirming the acceptance of the Graphene Flagship and Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative’s proposed Innovative Materials for EU partnership.
The Graphene Flagship and the Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative organised an online workshop to present the progress of their preparatory work and how the proposed partnership is intended to contribute to the “Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership” initiative.
Innovative and sustainable technology with 2D materials is a priority of researchers and entrepreneurs worldwide. Now, a brand-new Horizon Europe graphene-spintronic project kicks off with huge potential to provide reliable memory storage solutions. It is a game-changer for the next-generation technology in an exciting field.
While the 2D materials community celebrates 20 years since the isolation of graphene, IOP Publishing’s 2D Materials journal celebrates its 10-year anniversary. The journal will mark this occasion with a special contribution to the Graphene Week 2024 conference to be held in Prague, Czech Republic.
Over the past decade, the Graphene Flagship created a unique community in Europe – an ecosystem for innovation in graphene and layered materials. Now - with 13 new projects - it’s time to expand and set sail for new horizons.