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Energy Generation & Storage

Graphene applications in energy vary from fuel cells, hydrogen generation and (gas) storage, batteries, supercapacitors to photovoltaics.

This chapter covers energy applications of graphene and related materials. Graphene applications in energy vary from fuel cells, hydrogen generation and (gas) storage, batteries, supercapacitors to photovoltaics.

The most interesting application areas from a European innovation perspective for graphene innovation are supercapacitors and fourth-generation batteries. Hydrogen production and storage in addition to batteries are further interesting areas. In terms of photovoltaics, third generation PV is more likely to become interesting on a European level, with perovskites being the most promising application area for graphene.

Read the Energy Generation & Storage section of the roadmap.

This table illustrates the various uses for graphene and related materials (GRM) for energy storage and generation applications. Refer to the Composites and Coatings table for related content.