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Graphene EU

Graphene: Europe in the Lead Coordination and Support Action

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The Graphene Flagship initiative aims at advancing Europe’s strategic autonomy in technologies that rely on graphene and other 2D materials and sustaining the first-mover advantage that Europe has obtained through earlier investments. This overarching goal will be pursued by a number of graphene and 2D materials (2DM) related actions – Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) and Innovation Actions (IAs) – in collaboration with activities funded by the EU member states and associated countries. The overall coherence of the Graphene Flagship initiative is guaranteed by GrapheneEU, a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) that allows the separate actions to exploit synergies in their scientific and technological activities and work more efficiently by utilising common services and support functions. 

GrapheneEU builds upon the extensive experience and expertise of a consortium that has been responsible for the central support and coordination functions of the Graphene Flagship during the FP7 and Horizon 2020 phases and therefore has access to the broad network of researchers and organisations which will participate in the Graphene Flagship initiative. GrapheneEU will ensure a strong and coherent initiative by providing key support functions in coordination and governance, industrialisation, dissemination and alignment, enabling the participating projects to identify and utilise synergies in their work, share best practices, and promote interactions with relevant national and regional initiatives. GrapheneEU will help secure a sustained European leadership in 2DM by capitalising on the investments in the Graphene Flagship from the FP7 and Horizon 2020 phases and fostering and facilitating the work to be continued during Horizon Europe. 

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How We Work & What We Do

The success of this action depends on collaboration with the Research and Innovation Actions and the Innovation Action (RIAs/IA) that will contribute towards the goals of GrapheneEU with their own resources and technical expertise.  

For this reason, GrapheneEU interacts closely with the thirteen RIA/IA projects that are linked to the Graphene Flagship initiative, since many of the activities covered by GrapheneEU (e.g. industrialisation and dissemination) will also be handled in the RIAs/IAs with a different focus on the specific activities.  

Industrialisation in the Graphene Flagship


Industrialisation support is a key element in maximising the impact of the Graphene Flagship initiative in terms of new products, new companies, and new jobs in Europe. On this matter, GrapheneEU partners collaborate with the RIAs/IAs through three interlinked tasks: roadmapping, standardisation and innovation support.  


Preparation of Technology and Innovation Roadmaps is the expertise of the Fraunhofer ISI institute. They have led this activity in the Graphene Flagship since 2014, producing several influential roadmaps on 2DMs that identify the areas where new 2DM technologies can make the most significant impact on society, the economy and the environment using a highly successful combination of workshops, interviews and literature studies. Fraunhofer continues to perform this work jointly with the RIAs/IAs which are responsible for the field-specific technical and scientific input. 

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The aim of the standarisation work is to address regulatory compliance as one crucial factor in a successful innovation process of 2DMs.The Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM) promotes international standards through the ISO and IEC organisations, supporting the RIAs/IAs in creating regulatory-ready products. Standardised and regulatory compliant characterisation methods will be made available to be applied during product development.  

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Innovation support is provided by Stiftelsen Chalmers Industriteknik (CIT), which has led the Graphene Flagship’s innovation work since 2013 and has established a strong network spanning multiple industrial branches across Europe. CIT coordinates topic-specific innovation support in the RIAs/IA to maximise their utilisation potential and extend it to European industries beyond the RIAs/IA’s consortia. 

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Dissemination in the Graphene Flagship 


Chalmers University of Technology (CUT) and the University of Cambridge (UCAM) make sure that the work of the Graphene Flagship initiative is communicated to all stakeholders from the research and innovation community to decision-makers and the public. They ensure cohesion and magnify the voice of the individual projects which will help make the Graphene Flagship initiative’s work open and transparent to the wider community – beyond the specialised fields covered by each RIA/IA. They work together with the RIAs/IA to expand Graphene Week to bring the broader 2DM community together annually, while the already established educational programmes and the Diversity in Graphene networking and coaching events continue to support the next generation, with a particular focus on underrepresented groups within the 2DM community. 


Alignment and international collaborations in the Graphene Flagship


The European Science Foundation (ESF) leads the GrapheneEU’s work on international collaborations and alignment with national and regional initiatives in Europe. The 2DM research community in Europe is comprised of over 1500 institutions actively working in the field, with over 150 European companies involved in various segments of the market (materials production, product development, equipment manufacturing, etc.). While part of the research activities will be covered by the RIA/IA projects, a larger number of research activities will be supported at the national level or through other EU funding programmes. ESF provides an interface for these activities, so that they can all contribute to the Graphene Flagship and its objectives. This will be achieved by offering the possibility for organisations or projects to join the initiative as Associated Members or Partnering Projects 

ESF is also establishing a strategic network of national and thematic representatives to facilitate the interactions and exchange of information between the Graphene Flagship and other national, regional and thematic initiatives. Moreover, as a result of the Graphene Flagship’s excellent research activities and demonstrated scientific impact over the last ten years, Europe is recognised as 2DM leader. . This position has made the initiative an attractive global collaboration partner, a position that we will continue to strengthen through a series of international workshops that will address topics of interest to individual actors as well as international partners.

Learn more on partnering with the Graphene Flagship 


Coordination and Governance in the Graphene Flagship


The overall coordination of the Graphene Flagship initiative is led by Chalmers University of Technology. In coordination with the Director of the Graphene Flagship, Chalmers monitors specific aspects of the RIAs/IAs progress; increases internal cohesion of the initiative by organising Science and Technology Fora; supports the RIA/IA coordinators regarding EC regulations and requests; and handles the contacts with other key stakeholders and coordinates the Graphene Flagship initiative’s common representation in European and international fora. 

The Graphene Flagship governance structure relies on one common decision-making body, the Coordination Board, which includes the coordinators of the RIAs/IA as well as representatives of GrapheneEU. 

Who we are

Meet the team

The Graphene Flagship’s multidisciplinary team of experts in legal, ethical, financial, and administrative management, in addition to science writing, communication, marketing and events.

Meet the team

GrapheneEU Partners

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