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wafer 2D-EPL symposium
2D-EPL / Milestones / Our project

Graphene Flagship celebrates successes of first-of-its-kind 2D materials project

The Graphene Flagship is hosting a symposium from June 11 to 12 at the Town Hall Europe, Brussels, to celebrate the successes of its €20 million 2D Experimental Pilot Line (2D-EPL) project. Representing the first graphene foundry to integrate graphene and other 2D materials into semiconductor devices, the symposium will demonstrate the 2D-EPL’s progress in creating an ecosystem for 2D materials within electronics, photonics and biomedical devices.

By Graphene Flagship / 23 May 2024
Graphene Flagship Director Patrik Johansson
Our project / Milestones / Collaboration

Graphene Flagship Exhibition Opens in Brussels

On Friday, 26 April 2024, the Graphene Flagship launched an exhibition celebrating the initiative's decade of success and plans for the future in the European Commission's Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT) offices in Brussels. Roberto Viola, Director-General for DG CNECT delivered the keynote talk, praising the success of the project and its contribution to the European 2D materials ecosystem.

By Graphene Flagship / 03 May 2024
Graphene Flagship sign
Our project / Milestones / Innovation

Ten years of research, innovation and collaboration: the Graphene Flagship and the 2DM community

The Graphene Flagship was funded to ensure that Europe would maintain its lead in graphene research and innovation following the scientific breakthrough of graphene’s isolation at the University of Manchester. The European Commission launched the unprecedented long-term and large-scale Flagship research initiatives to tackle major challenges in science and technology, bringing positive changes that benefit society and the economy and advance European leadership in technology and industry. A decade on, we are proud to say that the Graphene Flagship has delivered on its promise. The clearly achieved objectives within scientific excellence, as well as societal and economic impact are detailed inside these pages.

By Graphene Flagship / 11 December 2023
Graphene Flagship Director Jari Kinaret
Milestones / Our project / Innovation

Chalmers steers Europe’s major graphene venture to success

For the past decade, the Graphene Flagship, the EU’s largest ever research programme, has been coordinated from Chalmers with Jari Kinaret at the helm. As the project reaches the ten-year mark, expectations have been realised, a strong European research field on graphene has been established, and the journey will continue.

By Graphene Flagship / 04 September 2023
The Graphene Flagship celebrates a decade of graphene research and innovation
Our project / Milestones / Innovation

The Graphene Flagship Celebrates 10

This year marks the ten-year anniversary of the Graphene Flagship, and we are taking this opportunity to celebrate a decade of 2D materials research and innovation. We have helped to shepherd graphene from the lab and into commercial applications.

By Graphene Flagship / 25 July 2023
graphene production facility from Graphene Flagship partner Graphenea
Production / Industry / Milestones

#TechTuesday: Graphene Production

There are many misconceptions about the state of graphene production, but at this point the issues of graphene mass production are by and large solved. Graphene Flagship Partners and Associated Members are creating tonnes of graphene in various forms for myriad applications every year.

By Graphene Flagship / 21 March 2023