Collaboration with Australia
History: After initial contacts were established during Core 1 with a research group at Adelaide University for the organisation of a joint workshop with the Graphene Flagship, the 1st Australia – EU workshop took place in October 2018 in Adelaide and Sydney. The event was co-organised by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Hub for Graphene Enabled Industry Transformation, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Graphene Flagship. This has been followed by the 2nd EU – Australia workshop in September 2019 in Helsinki, held during the Graphene Week conference.
Topics in spotlight: graphene production and functionalisation, composites, water filtration, energy, fundamentals, commercialisation and certification.
- In 2018 Workshop, participants had the opportunity to visit Silanna Semiconductor, featuring an advanced laboratory with a multi-cluster molecular beam epitaxy system for III-V semiconductor and novel oxide deposition 6-inch wafers, and Adelaide University’s state-of-the-art 3D printing lab for rapid prototyping with the largest 3D printer in the Southern Hemisphere.
- In 2019, a tour has been organized at VTT's state-of-the-art facilities, including the Printed Electronics Lab and the MICRONOVA clean room, and at the impressive Nanomicroscopy Center and Low Temperature Lab of Aalto University.
In order for graphene and 2D materials to succeed, we need a truly global view of the application and understanding of these materials. The workshops with our Australian counterparts have allowed us to share results and ideas ranging from composites, fire protection, anti-corrosion, filtration membranes to sensors and standardisation. In particular, the workshops involved field visits to world class laboratories to see where the discoveries are being made.
EU-Australia workshop chair