2D-PL funded to further mature 2D material wafer-scale integration
Launched in October 2024, the Graphene Flagship’s 2D-Pilot Line (2D-PL) project aims to further strengthen the European ecosystem in the development of integration modules for photonics and electronics prototyping services.
The 2D-PL will work to mature semiconductor technologies and provide information to aid industrial uptake. This four-year, European Commission-funded project builds on the foundation of the 2D-Experimental Pilot Line project (2D-EPL) which first began the work toward integrated 2D materials (2DM) in the semiconductor industry. The 2D-PL will offer comprehensive prototyping services for the integration of graphene and TMDCs on established semiconductor platforms that use silicon technologies.
The 2D Pilot Line gathers key European players covering the whole value chain, including tool manufacturers, chemical and material providers, semiconductor fabrication lines and end users. Imec will coordinate the project, led by Inge Asselberghs.
"We are excited to have the opportunity to continue our work maturing 2DM fabrication in an industry relevant FAB environment to secure 2D pilot line access," Asselberghs says. "The EU funding gives us the opportunity to develop processes critical to future industrial uptake for this technology."

2D-PL Services
The main objective of the pilot line is to further mature 2D materials fabrication in an industrially relevant FAB environment. The 2D-PL’s focus for module maturation is tailored towards photonic and electronic devices and circuits serving academic institutions, research centres, SMEs, large businesses, IDMs and foundries.
The 2D-PL will offer multi-project wafer (MPW) runs in which customer designs are included as dies on joint wafers. MPW offerings will be provided for both graphene and TMDC devices for photonic and electronic applications.

Inge Asselberghs, 2D-PL coordinator, imec
We are excited to have the opportunity to continue our work maturing 2DM fabrication in an industry relevant FAB environment to secure 2D pilot line access. The EU funding gives us the opportunity to develop processes critical to future industrial uptake for this technology."
2D Pilot Line coordinator

The 2D-PL was announced publicly at Graphene Week 2024, held in Prague.