News articles

GRAPHERGIA Hub: A meeting place for graphene enabled solutions
The GRAPHERGIA project has launched an initiative: GRAPHERGIA Hub, that connects stakeholders across European, national, and local landscapes. Whether you’re a researcher, entrepreneur, or industry leader, the GRAPHERGIA consortium runs a dynamic space for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and strategic partnerships for individuals or teams passionate about driving innovation in graphene-enabled energy solutions, novel smart textiles or advancing future battery technologies.

IAM-I is ready to sail
Friday, 31 January the inaugural General Assembly and start of the Innovative Advanced Materials Initiative (IAM-I) took place in Brussels and online with over 250 participants. The 2D community was very well represented.

OECD Workshop on Graphene Family Materials
At the end of November 2024, a two-day expert workshop on Graphene Family Materials (GFM) was held by the OECD in Paris.

GIANCE leading the way in eco-friendly innovation
The GIANCE project is set to revolutionise material solutions across multiple industries by introducing a new generation of sustainable graphene-based materials (GRM-bM) that combine enhanced performance with a significant reduction in environmental impact. By focusing on circular design, lightweight construction, and multifunctionality, GIANCE aims to reduce energy consumption, cut CO2 emissions per vehicle over its lifetime, and promote material recyclability.

2D-PL funded to further mature 2D material wafer-scale integration
Launched in October 2024, the Graphene Flagship’s 2D-Pilot Line (2D-PL) project aims to further strengthen the European ecosystem in the development of integration modules for photonics and electronics prototyping services.

Key milestones and updates from 2D-PRINTABLE project
We are excited to bring you the latest news on the 2D-PRINTABLE project, and its developments in novel 2D materials and heterostructures for Printed Digital Devices using sustainable liquid exfoliation and deposition methods. In this edition, we highlight significant advancements and key milestones achieved by our partners across Europe.

Graphene Flagship spin-off INBRAIN Raises $50 Million for Brain Device
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics SL, has raised $50 million to develop its graphene-based neural technologies.

BeDimensional, Graphene Flagship partner and spin-off, opens new production plant in Genoa
The plant will be the first in the world to produce two-dimensional crystals on an industrial scale, and is expected to reach over 30 tons annually by 2028.

Graphergia at Graphene Week 2024: Strong community is key
Joint workshop between Graphergia and ARMS projects contributes to the Flagship's sense of community.

The commercialisation of graphene electronics
Kari Hjelt and Henning Döscher of the Graphene Flagship, have collaborated on a new article published in Springer Nature Electronics titled: “The commercialisation of graphene electronics.”

Partnerships strengthened during Graphene Week 2024
Joint Biomed Workshop during Graphene Week 2024 strengthens collaboration between 2D-BioPAD and MUNASET projects

Setting the standards for tomorrow
Due to the early days of the material, graphene standards are still a work in progress. At the same time, they are a much-needed prerequisite if graphene is to be used on a larger industrial scale.

Graphene Flagship welcomes new Associated Members and Partnering Projects
Alignment with national and regional initiatives in Europe has been one of the main tasks of the Graphene Flagship, since the beginning of its journey. Established in the Horizon 2020 (H2020) phase, the Association Mechanism has attracted over 200 Associated Member (AM) organisations and over 130 Partnering Projects (PP), under the Flagship umbrella over the past ten years.

Graphene Week celebrates 20 years of graphene
The 19th Graphene Week conference, hosted in Prague, Czech Republic, on 14-18 October highlighted the progress made in graphene and 2D materials (2DM) research and innovation since the isolation of graphene in October 2004.