Graphene Week 2022
- BMW Welt, Munich (Germany)
- 5-9 September 2022
17th edition of Europe's leading conference in Graphene and 2D Materials
The 2022 edition of Graphene Flagship's Graphene Week took place at the heart of European innovation - the world-famous BMW Welt in Munich, Germany. The multidisciplinary event gathered the latest research on graphene and related materials, as well as the newest graphene-enabled products.
Welcome Reception in the Munich House of Artists
Registration & Helpdesk
Location: BMW Welt
Opening Ceremony
Location: Auditorium
Plenary Session 1
Location: Auditorium
09:30 - Keynote: Andre Geim - 2D empty space and its exotic properties
10:15 - Invited Speaker: Cecilia Mattevi - A platform of 3D printed energy storage devices to power wearable sensors
Coffee Break
Location: Exhibition and Poster Hall
Graphene Week Exhibition
Plenary Session 1
Location: Auditorium
11:15 - Keynote: Jonathan Coleman - Electrical conduction in printed nanosheet networks
12:00 - Invited Speaker: Paulo Lage - Graphene for the lightning strike protection of CFRP aircraft
12:30 - Invited Speaker: Mamoun Taher - Enabling the Green Transition with Graphene Technology
Networking Lunch in Exhibition Hall
Open Forum
Location: Auditorium
Hear insights on the Graphene Flagship's success from some of the project’s leading experts.
Jari Kinaret, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Vittorio Pellegrini, BeDimensional, Italy
Jean-François Buggenhout, European Commission
Ana Helman, European Science Foundation, France
Vincenzo Palermo, ISOF-CNR, Italy
Coffee Break
Poster Session 1
Location: Exhibition and Poster Hall
Registration & Helpdesk
Location: BMW Welt
Plenary Session 2
Location: Auditorium
09:00 - Keynote: Camilla Coletti - Moving from fundamental studies to industrial applications with CVD-grown 2D materials
09:45 - Invited Speaker: Max Lemme - 2D Materials in Microelectronics – How to make a Difference
10:15 - Invited Speaker: Peter Steeneken - Suspended graphene membranes for microphones and bacterial sensing
Coffee Break
Graphene Week Exhibition
Plenary Session 2
Location: Auditorium
11:15 - Keynote: Kin Chung Fong - Enabling quantum technologies by two-dimensional materials
12.00 - Invited Speaker: Damien Voiry - Exfoliated MoS2 nanosheets for water treatment
12.30 - Invited Speaker: Theresia Knobloch - Enhancing the stability of 2D material-based transistors via Fermi-level tuning
Networking Lunch in Exhibition Hall
Future Forum Exhibitor's Programme
Location: Future Forum
13:50 - Colloids Limited - Graphene-enhanced engineering thermoplastics using 2D nanocomposites - Derek Hepburn
13:55 - IOP Publishing - 2D Materials - Kate Porter
14:00 - Paragraf - Developing mass produced graphene sensors for target applications - Natasha Conway
14:05 - nanoEMI - Pure graphene flakes production for applications in battery, composites and life science - Krzysztof Jakubczak
14:10 - NanoLockin GmbH - Active thermography for the analysis of carbon materials - Christoph Geers
14:15 - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Synthesis, integration and processing of high-mobility graphene for optoelectronics - Vaidotas Miseikis
14:20 - Sixonia Tech GmbH - Processable Graphenes for Energy Storage, Coatings and beyond - Martin Lohe
Diversity in Graphene
Location: Business Center I
Check the programme for the Diversity in Graphene session here.
Graphene Flagship and beyond: Success Stories from the Partnering Division
Location: Auditorium
Check the programme for the Partnering Division session here.
Graphene Innovation Forum
Location: Business Center II
Check the programme of the Graphene Innovation Forum here
Poster Session 2
Location: Exhibition and Poster Hall
Innovation Reception
Location: BMW Welt
Registration & Helpdesk
Location: BMW Welt
Plenary Session 3
Location: Auditorium
09:00 - Keynote: Kostya Novoselov
09:45 - Invited speaker: Graham Cross - Self-assembling graphene
10:15 - Invited speaker: Thomas Weitz - Nontrivial quantum phases in natural bilayer graphene at its tunable van-Hove singularity
Graphene Innovation Forum
Location: Business Center II
Check the programme of the Graphene Innovation Forum here
Coffee Break
Location: Exhibition and Poster Hall
Graphene Week Exhibition
Networking Lunch in Exhibition Hall
Future Forum Exhibitor's Programme
Location: Future Forum
13:55 - SIO Grafen - Graphene in Sweden - Jon Wingborg
14:00 - Paragraf - Delivering graphene electronic devices at scale - John Tingay
14:05 - AEROGrAFT - Spearhead Project 6 - Industrial Applications Powered by Graphene Foams - Armin Reimers
14:10 - BeDimensional - 2D materials-based polymer composites - Cosimo Anichini
14:15 - Medica S.p.A - Graphene enhanced filters for water purification - Letizia Bocchi
14:20 - AMO - The Experimental Graphene Pilot Line at AMO - Gordon Rinke
2D-EPL - An industry perspective on CMOS integration
Location: Business Center II
Check the programme here
An Assessment of the Key Commercial Applications Driving the Graphene Market
Check the programme here
Coffee Break
Location: Exhibition and Poster Hall
Best practice and learnings from the Graphene and CNT community
Location: Business Center II
Check the programme of the session here
Poster Session 3
Location: Exhibition and Poster Hall
Plenary Session 4
Location: Auditorium
09:00 - Keynote: Jose Antonio Garrido - Opportunities and Challenges of Graphene Neurotechnology in Neuroscience and Medical Applications
09:45 - Invited speaker: Acelya Yilmazer - Graphene and 2D materials in antiviral research
10:15 - Invited speaker: Jeanie Lau - Experimental Investigation of Non-trivial Band Topology and Quantum Geometry in van der Waals Materials
Coffee Break
Closing Ceremony
Location: Auditorium
Graphene Pavillion open to general public
The Graphene Pavillion will be open to the public from Friday 9 - Sunday 11 September
Scientific Programme

Online Programme
This multidisciplinary event will gather the latest research on graphene and related materials, as well as the latest applications and innovations. Explore the full programme with plenary, parallel and poster session abstracts.
View the full programme and abstracts here.

Poster Sessions
We are committed to the development of students and early-career researchers in the field of graphene and layered materials. Graphene Week 2022 has offered 100+ student grants, to maximise accessibility and participation of our younger audiences.

Innovation and Industry

Innovation Forum
Graphene Week 2022 creates a fusion of graphene research and technology with industrial innovation – it is where science meets business! Make sure to join the Innovation Forum to learn about the latest graphene innovations, spin-off company successes, and the future of the graphene industry.

2D-EPL - An industry perspective on CMOS integration
The 2D Experimental Pilot line is a new project by the European Commission which aims to gather European expertise across the value chain to bring graphene and related materials to market. Don’t miss the 2D-EPL session to examine how best to integrate graphene and related layered materials (GRMs) in semiconductor platforms and how you can be involved a future wafer run!

Bayern Innovativ Cluster Nanotechnology
This session, "Best practice and learnings from the graphene and CNT community", hosted by Bayern Innovativ, will highlight the cross-cluster work of the Cluster Nanotechnology with its Network NanoCarbon and Cluster New Materials. Industrial partners will demonstrate current and future requirements of nanocarbon materials as well as industrial applications of carbon nanotubes.
Fringe Sessions

Open Forum
Graphene Week Open Forum is the best place to hear insights from the Graphene Flagship’s leading experts. Our panelists will talk about graphene's successful commercialisation and the benefits the Graphene Flagship has provided in research, innovation and collaboration. Join us for the opportunity to ask questions and be inspired!

EU Chips Act
Graphene Week 2022 will host a brand-new session focusing on the European Chips Act. Created to bolster Europe’s competitiveness and resilience in semiconductor technologies and applications, the Chips Act will help achieve both the digital and green transition by strengthening Europe’s technological leadership. This session will dive into how the Graphene Flagship and its 2D-EPL project can help Europe achieve these goals.

Diversity in Graphene
Graphene Week 2022 will host a special session dedicated to our Diversity in Graphene initiative. Have you ever wondered how science research becomes science news, and what impact your online presence can make on society? This year’s unmissable panel discussion combines topics at the frontline of science communications, diversity and ethics. New this year, take advantage of our interactive career coaching sessions. Everyone is welcome!

Success Stories from the Partnering Division
The Graphene Flagship's success stems not just from its partners, but also from the collaborations with organisations and projects beyond the Graphene Flagship. This session highlights success stories from Graphene Flagship Partnering Projects and Associated Members.

EU-US Workshop
This Workshop aims at being an open forum to bring together leading researchers from the US and Europe to discuss cutting-edge research in graphene and related 2D materials, facilitating scientific exchanges and enhancing synergies within the community.

Key Commercial Applications Driving the Graphene Market
There are many challenges and questions that remain when looking at graphene, but perhaps the most important is understanding what commercial applications will achieve high volume commercial adoption and when. This presentation will tackle that question, giving a detailed overview of the graphene market as it enters the growth phase of its commercial journey.
Social Programme

Welcome Reception

Conference Dinner
Join us on for our conference dinner where we will host Septemberfest at the Augustinerkeller. Experience the charm of Bavarian tradition in one of the great original Munich beer gardens and taverns with live music from The Happy Bavarians. Tickets are available for purchase through the event registration portal. Join us for great food, drink and music and networking with the best graphene researchers and innovators in the world. Don't miss the announcement of this year's poster winners. The #GrapheneExperience is back.

Venue + Host City
Munich is the economic heart of Germany and one of Europe’s biggest tech hubs. Home to 11% of Germany’s total startups, Munich is a hive of innovation.
As the capital of Bavaria and one of the safest major cities in Germany, Munich attracts millions of visitors every year.
Discover Munich, BMW Welt, and how to find us!

Graphene Week is a celebratory event, showcasing the leading scientific content and success stories from Graphene Flagship partners. Explore graphene applications, services and products in the Graphene Week Exhibition.
Host institutions


Code of Conduct
All participants are expected to:
- Be inclusive, considerate, respectful and collaborative.
- Refrain from intimidating, discriminatory, harassing or demeaning behaviour.
- Inform the event organiser if they notice someone in distress.