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Multi project wafer runs

EU Funded

The Graphene Flagship's 2D-EPL has launched six multi project wafer (MPW) runs where universities, research institutes and companies can include their designs as dies on joint wafers. The completed devices will be delivered as diced chips, wafer parts or wafers, and the pricing will be based on the area of the design on the wafer. For all the MPW runs, packaging services can be separately ordered from the MPW provider.

2D-EPL Multi Project Wafer runs

Run 6 - CLOSED

The sixth MPW run, provided by Graphenea Semiconductors, provides a flexible platform into which we can implement three different types of devices within one process flow. Applications can range from general electronics and sensing to optoelectronics. The call will open in March.

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Run 5 - OPEN

The fifth MPW run will be carried out by IHP in 2024, and will be based on graphene photonic module on 200 mm Si wafers. The Si wafers will include integrated waveguide structures and well as graphene modules for the fabrication of various graphene based photonic devices. Design rules will include the basic design elements to be used in this particular e-MPW run.

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Run 4 - CLOSED

The fourth MPW run will be delivered by VTT Ltd by October 2024 (call closed September 2023), and is based on graphene sensor devices on silicon CMOS wafers. The CMOS readout wafer utilises a commercial Si CMOS process from XFAB. The CMOS design options include usage of customer designs, existing VTT designs and VTT design services. The graphene sensor post-processing utilises process modules developed in the 2D-EPL project.

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Run 3 - CLOSED

The third run will be delivered by AMO GmbH between December 2023 and January 2024 (call closed in June 2023), and is mainly intended towards electronics but can also include sensor devices (e.g. Hall sensor, but via opening on graphene is not in the scope of this run) and will be provided by AMO GmbH. The design of the device can be adjusted within the specifications. 

Run 2 - CLOSED

Like the first, the second MPW run was mainly intended for graphene sensors, and was delivered by VTT Ltd in June 2023 (call closed October 2022).

Run 1 - CLOSED

The first MPW run was mainly intended for graphene sensors and will provide the 2D-EPL an opportunity to prepare for more complex co-integrated runs later in the project. It was delivered by AMO GmbH on October 2022 (call closed in June 2022).