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Water is one of the most fascinating substances on Earth. At the heart of its many unusual properties, it shows a strong response to applied electric fields, what scientists call high polarizability. Now, researchers within the Graphene Flagship at the University of Manchester found that water behaves very differently on a microscopic scale, which could lead to a better understanding of life.
Fundamental / Research / Collaboration

Microscopic water life

Researchers within the Graphene Flagship at the University of Manchester found that water behaves very differently on a microscopic scale, which could lead to a better understanding of life.

By University of Manchester and Fernando Gomollon-Bel / 23 June 2018
Konstantin novoselov talking to colleagues
Graphene Week / Research / Collaboration

Graphene Week

With a growing number of graphene related events to choose from, why should scientists, researchers, students and industry representatives choose the Graphene Flagship’s Graphene Week 2018?