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Electronics / Materials / Research

Flipping the switch on supramolecular electronics

Graphene Flagship Partners at the University of Strasbourg and CNRS (France), together with Associated Members at the University of Mons (Belgium) and collaborators the Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) and the University of Trento (Italy), successfully combined photoswitchable molecular lattices with layered materials to create new high-performance devices that show macroscopic responses to light.

By Fernando Gomollón-Bel / 13 August 2018
Our project / Diversity / Digital events

Happy LGBT STEM Day!

The Graphene Flagship is proud to celebrate the first International LGBT STEM Day. We value diversity and aim to create an environment where all our members can be open about who they are.

By Siân Fogden / 05 July 2018
Water is one of the most fascinating substances on Earth. At the heart of its many unusual properties, it shows a strong response to applied electric fields, what scientists call high polarizability. Now, researchers within the Graphene Flagship at the University of Manchester found that water behaves very differently on a microscopic scale, which could lead to a better understanding of life.
Fundamental / Research / Collaboration

Microscopic water life

Researchers within the Graphene Flagship at the University of Manchester found that water behaves very differently on a microscopic scale, which could lead to a better understanding of life.

By University of Manchester and Fernando Gomollon-Bel / 23 June 2018