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Graphene Flagship Events

Upcoming Events

The Graphene Flagship organises a variety of events for researchers, industry and early career researchers in order to inspire you to engage in better research, innovation and collaboration. The project is also represented at external tradeshows and exhibitions. 

Which events are right for you?

For Researchers

Our events for researchers include our annual conference Graphene Week, our workshops for early career researchers Graphene Study, our International Workshops which encourage collaborations with researchers in many other parts of the world, and our digital events.

For Industry

The Graphene Flagship organises several events for industry including the Graphene Marketplace events hosted by Graphene Flagship partners who wish to promote graphene applications in their companies and Innovation Workshops created to foster innovation projects between academia and industry.

In addition to our own industry events, the Graphene Flagship showcases graphene applications at industry tradeshows and exhibitions.

For Students

The Graphene Flagship promotes the education of early career researchers with its Graphene Study events.

Three women reading at the Graphene Week 2019

For Diversity

The Diversity in Graphene initiative aims to create a collaborative research environment where everybody feels welcome, without any prejudice. The initiative holds two annual meetings, a career day and a meeting at the Graphene Week conference.

Past Events

Graphene Week 2018
9-14 September 2018

Graphene Week 2018

The 13th edition of Graphene Week held at the Kursaal Congress Centre and Auditorium in the beautiful city of San Sebastian, Spain, came to a close on 14 September. The week featured talks, workshops, discussions, posters, demonstrations, and vital opportunities for meeting and networking.

Hexagon illustration
8-9 September 2018

EU-Korea Workshop 2018

The 4th EU-Korea Workshop was held on 8-9 September 2018 in San Sebastian, Spain immediately before the Graphene Week 2018 conference. The workshop's aim was to be a forum for the exchange of experiences, practices and ideas related to the current and emerging topics associated with the basic chemistry approach, materials synthesis, application development and commercialization for graphene and related 2D materials.

Hindås, Sweden
1 - 6 July 2018

Graphene Study Summer 2018

The Graphene Study 2018, summer edition, titled 2D materials for environment and energy applications, delved into deeper aspects of how things work, exploring experimenters' techniques in studying energy and environmental applications for graphene, mainly filtration and energy storage technologies. Leading academic and industry experts from around the world provided delegates with their insights on topics from nanofluidics and power generation to desalination using graphene.

Elaine Eksvärd presented methods to master suppression techniques at the Graphene Flagship's Women in Graphene and Science workshop.
8 March 2018

Women in Graphene Career Event 2018

The workshop was an opportunity for women and men in the flagship and beyond to consider the challenges and opportunities presented to women working in the traditionally male-dominated science field and to empower them to succeed.

The Graphene Flagship Pavilion at Mobile World Congress 2018
26 February - 1 March 2018

Mobile World Congress 2018

Mobile World Congress is the world’s largest gathering for the mobile industry, organised by the GSMA and held in Barcelona, Spain, in late February every year. The 2018 edition of MWC attracted over 100 000 attendees, 2 400 exhibitors and was covered by more than 3 500 members of international press and media.

Obergurgl, Austria
05 - 10 February

Graphene Study Winter 2018

The topic of Graphene Study 2018, winter edition, was Structural characterisation of graphene-based materials. The event provided delegates with a strategic overview of the most common techniques and methodologies available to determine the nature, composition and behaviour of 2D nanomaterials, thin films and nanostructured composites. Attendees learned how different techniques can be used to probe into the internal structure and properties of a 2D material or composite.

5-6 December 2017

EU-Korea Workshop 2017

The 3rd EU-Korea Workshop was held on 05-06 December 2017, at Ramada Plaza Hotel, in Jeju, Korea.

The Graphene Flagship demos at MEDICA 2017
13 - 16 November 2017


MEDICA is the largest medical trade fair in the world – in 2017 it attracted more than 123,000 professional trade visitors from 130 nations and more than 5,100 exhibitors from 66 countries in 17 halls. The Graphene Flagship used this opportunity to showcase the latest graphene research in Graphene Biomedical Technologies to decision-makers in the medical industry from all over the world.

23-25 October 2017

US-EU Workshop 2017

The US-EU 2D Workshop was held on October 23-25, 2017 in Arlington, Virginia, USA. Coorganized by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Graphene Flagship, this workshop provided a venue for discussion of common challenges and opportunities in this rapidly developing research area.

Maria Koutrokoi speaking at the Graphene Week 2017 Women In Graphene session
October 2017

Women in Graphene 2017

Graphene Week 2017 hosted a Women in Graphene session, part of the overarching Women in Graphene initiative set up by the Graphene Flagship to help support women and create a more gender diverse scientific community.

A helmet, plane and drone demo at the Tallinn Digital Summit 2017
29 September 2017

Tallinn Digital Summit 2017

​At the Tallinn Digital Summit, a forum for Heads of State and Government from across Europe to discuss digital innovation and Europe’s digital future, the Graphene Flagship showcased the potential of graphene and related materials with an array of interactive demonstrators and prototypes.

Graphene Week 2017
25-29 September 2017

Graphene Week 2017

Graphene Week 2017, was held on 25-29 September, saw over 550 delegates from 39 countries immerse themselves in the world of graphene and related materials. Graphene Week 2017 was jointly organised by the Graphene Flagship and its partner FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas) and held in the Greek city of Athens.

Students at the Graphene Study 2017
25 - 30 June 2017

Graphene Study 2017

The topic of Graphene Study 2018, winter edition, was Electronic and Photonic Devices and their Applications. 67 students and young researchers out of 21 countries from all over the world spent one week at the fully booked Graphene Study in Hindås/Gothenburg, Sweden to immerse themselves into the world of graphene.

Barcelona, Spain
06-08 May, 2017

EU-Japan Workshop 2017

The second Graphene Flagship EU–Japan Workshop was held at the Casa Convalescència, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Campus in Barcelona (Spain), during 6 - 8 May 2017. Co-organised by the Graphene Flagship and the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST), CREST and Science of Atomic Layers (SATL) project, the workshop focused on material production and device fabrication, and exploration of electronic, photonics, and spintronics in novel structures.

Women in Graphene Career Event 2017
8 March 2017

Women in Graphene Career Event 2017

​Timed to coincide with International Women’s Day on the 8 March the Graphene Flagship’s Women in Graphene event drew a sell out crowd at University College London to hear from inspirational speakers and develop their professional network.