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Graphene Pavillion Mid2
Innovation / Industry / Marketplace


The roadmap session is driven by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI team and will be chaired by Dr Michael Meister who has assembled a panel of expert speakers to provide insights on the industrial demands of Graphene in the coming years.

By Siân Fogden / 24 May 2016
Graphene Week 2016
Graphene Week / Research / Our project

Graphene Week 2016 Speaker Profiles

With its exceptional scientific programme Graphene Week 2016 is the highlight of the European graphene conference calendar. Here you will find a series of short interviews with the invited speakers, that will be continuously updated until the start of the conference.

By Graphene Flagship / 12 May 2016
Graphene Week / Innovation / Industry

How to start a start up

So, you've done some great research, got a great paper, possibly even filed a great patent but what now? If you have ever wondered how to take research and, truly, (objectively), assess its worth and turn it into a start up company then this is the session for you.

By Siân Fogden / 10 May 2016
Biomedical / Research / Health

Safety by Design Graphene and the Brain

The Graphene Flagship has dedicated a considerable amount of time and resource to develop a safe approach to use and handle graphene and related materials. By integrating this approach at every level the Graphene Flagship aims to engineer out risks

By Siân Fogden / 09 May 2016
Hexagon illustration
Graphene Week / Electronics / Diversity

Speaker biography

With its exceptional scientific programme Graphene Week 2016 is the highlight of the European graphene conference calendar. This is the first in a series of interviews with the invited speakers, giving us a unique preview of their talks.

By Siân Fogden / 09 May 2016
Graphene Week / Industry / Telecom

Take your technology forward with the Graphene Flagship

The Graphene Flagship announced today the addition of four exciting new sessions to the Graphene Week programme. These sessions, included in the conference fee, centre around the idea that for Graphene and other 2D materials to fulfil their potential, researchers have to be equipped with the skills needed to transfer their technology out of the laboratory.

By Siân Fogden / 26 April 2016
Industry / Innovation / Our project

Bridging the Academia – Industry Divide

Graphene Connect is a series of workshops born out of the basic principle of the Graphene Flagship – to take Graphene out of the academic laboratory and into society. The workshops help to make the connections and introductions that are needed to allow graphene to fulfil it potential by bridging the gap between academia and industry. Graphene Connect is also focused on creating this ecosystem within Europe – to really create a whole value chain that will enable Europe, the birth place of graphene, to reap its rewards.

By Siân Fogden / 21 April 2016
Graphene Pavilion at The Mobile World Congress
Industry / Innovation / Exhibition

The Graphene Pavilion at The Mobile World Congress

In February 2016 the Graphene Flagship presented the inaugural Graphene Pavilion at the Mobile World Congress (MWC), the world's largest gathering for the mobile industry with over 100,000 attendees and 2000 exhibitors in Barcelona, Spain. This event, coordinated by the Graphene Flagship and ICFO with support from the GSMA, was a huge success.

By Graphene Flagship / 20 April 2016
hexagons connected by dots
Our project / Collaboration / Research

Graphene Flagship Enters Core One

​In October 2013 the European Commission as part of its Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) scheme launched the Graphene Flagship. This large scale, international research collaboration is moving forward to the core of its mission

By Graphene Flagship / 19 April 2016
Innovation / Research / Electronics

Graphene based Remote Controlled Molecular Switches

Imagine a world where you can tailor the properties of graphene to have the outcome you desire. By combining its unique properties with the precision of molecular chemistry, scientists from the Graphene Flagship have taken the first steps towards doing just that. In their paper published on 7th April in Nature Communications an international group of Flagship scientists show how it is possible to create light-responsive graphene-based devices, paving the way for many applications including photo sensors and even optically controllable memories.

By Siân Fogden / 07 April 2016