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Exhibition / Telecom / Innovation

Graphene Pavilion Day one

It has been an exciting first day in the inaugural Graphene Pavilion at the 2016 Mobile World Congress. With a stream of visitors from the public and press it truly was an intense and rewarding day. The Graphene Pavilion represents a new way to present graphene to the wider world. As a newcomer to the MWC the Graphene Pavilion attracted interest for a wide range of reasons. Some visitors were already familiar with graphene and wanted to know more, some were interested in a particular technology such as batteries or flexible displays and wanted to know how graphene can integrate with these and there were those who were simply drawn in to discover something new - like the school teacher looking for new things to teach his pupils.

By Siân Fogden / 23 February 2016
Graphene-enabled flexible display
Telecom / Exhibition / Industry

Graphene goes Mobile

It's going to be another exciting year for graphene and what better way to start than with a material showcase at the Mobile World Congress. In testament to the power of graphene and its impact on the mobile industry, the Graphene Flagship has been invited to present the inaugural Graphene Pavilion at the 2016 Mobile World Congress (MWC), 22-25 February 2016 in Barcelona, Spain.

By Siân Fogden / 27 January 2016
Working group
Health / Biomedical / Research

Novel Healthcare Solutions for an Ever Changing World

​As the demand for healthcare services worldwide continues to increase so does the demand for novel healthcare solutions. Solutions that are more effective and cost less. Solutions that prevent disease as well as cure it. Solutions that can be used with equal effectiveness throughout the world.

By Siân Fogden / 26 January 2016
Industry / Products / Materials


Production is unique among the Graphene Flagship's technical work packages, in that it does not focus on research. The three principal goals of WP11 are to provide material samples, and a link to Europe's Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (NMP) programmes, and to deal with standardisation matters. Work package leader is Ken Teo of semiconductor specialist and technology enabling firm Aixtron in Cambridge, and deputy Nalin Rupesinghe, also of Aixtron.

By Francis Sedgemore / 17 December 2015
Perovskite and dye-sensitised solar cells
Energy / Our project / Sustainability


Work Package 9, Energy, looks at energy conversion and storage using graphene and other 2d materials in devices such as photovoltaic cells, fuel cells and batteries. Work package leader is Etienne Quesnel of the CEA French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission in Grenoble, and deputy is Vittorio Pellegrini of the Italian Institute of Technology Graphene Labs in Genova.

By Francis Sedgemore / 15 December 2015
Electronics / Research / Wearables

Flexible electronics

Work Package 8, Flexible Electronics (WP8), is devoted to what the Graphene Flagship describes as the next ubiquitous platform for the electronics industry. Graphene – a thin, flexible, ultra-strong and highly conductive film – is an obvious choice for flexible electronics. This 2d material will enable a wide range of applications, in a way similar and complementary to silicon technology. Work package leader is Stefano Borini of Nokia Technologies in Cambridge, and deputy Sebastiano Ravesi of STMicroelectronics in Catania.

By Francis Sedgemore / 15 December 2015
Electronics / Research / Innovation

High frequency electronics

Work Package 4 (WP4), High Frequency Electronics, focuses on the development of graphene-based electronics technologies operating at gigahertz frequencies and above, capable of significantly outperforming state-of-the-art devices. Work Package leader is Daniel Neumaier of AMO GmbH in Aachen. Deputy leader is Herbert-Zirath from Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg. Here we highlight two WP4 achievements over the past year.

By Francis Sedgemore / 15 December 2015