News articles

Prestigious Royal Society award for Graphene Flagship luminary
Britain’s Royal Society has awarded a prestigious research professorship to Kostya Novoselov, Nobel laureate and leading light in the Graphene Flagship.

The age of graphene Two experts share visions of the future
Future applications of graphene were the subject of two public science lectures by leading researchers in the field.

Graphene Flagship welcomes first associated members
As part of its mission to strengthen Europe’s graphene research and development community, the Graphene Flagship welcomes its first four associated members: Netzsch (Germany), NetComposites (UK), ABB and Imerys (Switzerland)

Academia and industry talk graphene in energy technologies
Later this month, research scientists and engineers will join with industry representatives and investors to discuss the use of graphene and related nanomaterials in future energy solutions.

Nature turns its attention to graphene
On the 10th anniversary of Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov’s Nobel Prize-winning work on graphene, a prestigious science journal devotes a special issue to the world’s most talked about nanomaterial.

The Graphene Flagship one year on
In October 2013, the European Commission as part of its Future and Emerging Technologies scheme launched two FET flagships – the Human Brain Project, and the Graphene Flagship. These large scale, international research collaborations have been implemented initially as Seventh Framework Programme projects, with the longer term organisation within FP7′s successor research and innovation framework, Horizon 2020.

Fibre optics data boost from graphene based photodetectors
Research supported by the Graphene Flagship leads to fast, high-performance photodetectors for fibre-optic communication systems.

Wearable motion sensors from graphene and rubber bands
Scientists in Ireland and the UK have combined the cutting edge material graphene with rubber bands to create wearable body motion sensors that can be used for monitoring joint and muscle motion, breathing and pulse.

Plastic Logic and the Cambridge Graphene Centre demonstrate the first flexible display based on graphene
The advance shows how research done in the Graphene Flagship can transfer to industry, and accelerate the development and commercial exploitation of this remarkable material.

Graphene A New Age
From the tip of a pencil to a white sheet of paper – if you have ever drawn with a pencil, you have probably made graphene. But what can graphene do?

Next stop Manchester
About 450 delegates took part, more than 400 posters were shown, and the graphene exhibition opened. Graphene Week 2014 really offered great opportunities and lots of new insights. Also, the Graphene Flagship announced that 66 new partners are being invited to join the consortium.

Scientific contribution rewarded
Sandra Šopić, Johannes Jobst, André Dankert, and Zhenyuan Xia were the four individuals who produced the best posters, chosen from more than 400 posters presented over four afternoons during Graphene Week 2014.

Graphene Week Continues, Tips on How to Get Published
Add a video abstract to your academic article and on average it will attract three times the number of downloads. Do not use unnecessarily complicated language. Also, if you write about something that is disruptive and can attract a huge crowd, it is far more likely that the article will be published.

Graphene Exhibition Opened
Lots of new insights, great opportunities for networking and the inauguration of a completely new graphene exhibition. Just some of the things that materialised on the second day of Graphene Week 2014.