News articles
Looking at first year assessment
The European Commission has delivered its first review of the Graphene Flagship. The overall conclusion is that the Flagship has made good scientific and technological progress over its first year of activities.
EuroGRAPHENE features in the journal Carbon
The journal Carbon publishes a special issue devoted to the EuroGRAPHENE programme of the European Science Foundation, with input from the Graphene Flagship.
The European roadmap for graphene science and technology
Europe’s Graphene Flagship lays out a science and technology roadmap, targeting research areas designed to take graphene and related 2d materials from academic laboratories into society.
Looking at graphene and other 2d crystals in energy conversion and storage
Scientists working with Europe’s Graphene Flagship provide a wide-ranging review of the potential for two-dimensional crystals in energy conversion and storage.
Graphene enables electrical control of energy flow from light emitters
The first signatures of graphene plasmons at telecommunication wavelengths are revealed in a study supported by the Graphene Flagship.
Graphene brings quantum effects to electronic circuits
Two-dimensional materials bring quantum-mechanical effects into the macroscopic world, creating the potential for electronic devices which dissipate very little energy.
Introducing Graphene Study 2015
As part of its extensive education and outreach activities, Europe’s Graphene Flagship will soon stage a second Graphene Study week. This will take place from 23-28 March 2015 in Kaprun, a small town in the alpine Pinzgau region of Austria.
Revolutionising electronics with two dimensional materials
The future is flat – experts review the potential of graphene and other two-dimensional materials for an electronics industry in a post-silicon world.
Graphene Flagship leaders gather in Cambridge
From 17-18 November 2014, the Graphene Flagship‘s Science and Technology Forum met at Madingley Hall in Cambridge, UK.
Graphene Flagship – early growth and the promise of a productive future
Sixty-six new partners have been welcomed into the Graphene Flagship, almost doubling the size of the world’s premier research and innovation initiative devoted to graphene and related two-dimensional materials.
Graphene in the energy sector – researchers and industrialists talk business
From fast-charging mobile batteries to solar cells, hydrogen storage, fuel cells and smart grids – scientists, engineers and industrialists discuss what is possible with graphene, and where we go from here. Real-world energy applications for graphene are closer than some in industry think.
Graphene Flagship strengthens industrial base with new strategic advisors and leadership team
At the start of its second year of operation, new partners join the Strategic Advisory Council and Executive Board, strengthening the industrial base of Europe’s Graphene Flagship.
Prestigious Royal Society award for Graphene Flagship luminary
Britain’s Royal Society has awarded a prestigious research professorship to Kostya Novoselov, Nobel laureate and leading light in the Graphene Flagship.
The age of graphene Two experts share visions of the future
Future applications of graphene were the subject of two public science lectures by leading researchers in the field.