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Andrea C. Ferrari
Our project / Innovation / Milestones

The Graphene Flagship Celebrates Ten

We are approaching the 10th anniversary of the Graphene Flagship and the time has flow very quickly. Graphene Flagship Science and Technology Officer Andrea C. Ferrari looks at what has happened over the project’s last decade of graphene research and innovation work.

By Graphene Flagship / 28 December 2022
The MASER 15 launch (Credit: Jean-Charles Dupin)
Space / Innovation / Aeronautics

Graphene Goes to Space and to the Moon

New rocket and lunar experiments involving graphene are informing space exploration. Applying graphene to the wheels of the Rashid moon rover will reveal whether this super strong material is also ‘Moon-proof’. Meanwhile, testing graphene-inks in a sounding rocket will test their ability to enable 3D printing in space – which could allow astronauts to create tools and materials they need even when far away from Earth.

By Letizia Diamante / 30 November 2022